11 flu deaths reported this year, multiple provinces issue emergency notifications

On July 19, the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission announced the provincial notifiable infectious disease epidemic in June 2022. A total of 4 influenza deaths were reported in the province in June< /strong>. The reporter found that according to the national epidemic situation of statutory infectious diseases from January to May released by the National Health Commission’s Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, The number of reported deaths from influenza in the country from January to May was 7. In addition to the data of Guangdong in June, according to incomplete statistics, up to now, there have been 11 deaths from influenza in the country. In recent days, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan and other provinces have issued flu warnings one after another.

Influenza-related reminders published in multiple places

On July 24, Zhou Jipu, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, told the Health Times reporter: “Influenza tends to be seasonal, and most of them are self-limiting. , The chance of self-healing is high, but it may also cause serious complications, such as otitis media, pneumonia, myocarditis, etc., which can lead to death in serious cases. Children with asthma, congenital heart disease, and underlying diseases such as diabetes, chronic heart disease, etc. The elderly, such as the elderly, are even more dangerous and should not be taken lightly.”

“Fujian Province has entered a high season of influenza recently. Due to climate change and other reasons, fever clinic patients, especially children, have become more and more serious in Fujian Province. Since June, the average daily number of outpatient visits has increased from 15,000 to 33,000, which is affected by the epidemic of major infectious diseases such as influenza and the new crown pneumonia epidemic.” On June 22, the Fujian Provincial Health and Health Commission issued “On Further The “Notice of Doing a Good Job in Medical Services for Fever Patients” mentions that all localities are required to optimize processes, provide scientific and accurate medical services, and coordinate epidemic prevention and control and medical service guarantees for fever outpatients.

Not only Fujian Province, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi and other places have also issued flu-related alerts one after another.

InfluenzaThe prevalent strain is Type A H3N2

According to local reports, the prevalent strain of this influenza is Type A H3N2, the virus was reassorted from avian influenza virus and the then circulating human influenza virus.

According to “Jiangxi CDC” on June 17, the alert for influenza peak alert, the dominant strain of influenza has changed since mid-March this year, from the BV influenza strain that has been circulating in the past two years. Converted to the current seasonal H3N2 subtype influenza virus strain, and the H3N2 subtype influenza virus strain has been relatively silent in the past two years, the immune level of the public is low, and this type of influenza strain is likely to cause the peak of the summer epidemic, resulting in this summer Seasonal H3N2 subtype influenza activity increased.

“Influenza virus is highly contagious, can cause a large number of cases every year, and the population is generally susceptible. Influenza has a rapid onset, although most of it is self-limiting, but some patients will develop complications such as pneumonia or aggravate underlying diseases It develops into severe cases, causing respiratory failure and multiple organ failure, and even death.” Zhou Jipu said.

Zhou Jipu explained, “Influenza is often transmitted through the respiratory tract and contact. Even simple conversations, sneezing and coughing may lead to the spread of influenza, and general social distancing is not enough to isolate infection, so the whole population is generally susceptible to Infection, the incidence rate is high.”

Prevent the superimposed infection of the new crown and influenza

“At present, the new crown epidemic at home and abroad is still ongoing, and this year the new crown and influenza are superimposed The risk of epidemic still exists. Once influenza and other respiratory infectious diseases become popular, it will complicate the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic and may bring serious risks. Influenza vaccination is the most economical and effective means to prevent influenza, which can effectively reduce influenza infection. , hospitalization, severe illness, and death, etc.,” said Jiang Lina, a physician in charge of the Institute of Acute Infectious Disease Control of the Guangxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention on June 21, on the “Guangxi Disease Control and Prevention” WeChat public account.

On June 21, Kang Min, director of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Institute of the Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, stated on the “Guangdong CDC” WeChat public account that under the current new crown pandemic, it is necessary to pay attention to the superimposed epidemic of influenza and new crown risk. “The new crown and influenza are both respiratory infectious diseases, and the symptoms are similar, such as fever, cough, nasal congestion and other upper respiratory tract symptoms, which are difficult to identify in the early stage. The spread and outbreak of respiratory diseases, taking preventive measures against respiratory diseases can achieve the effect of multi-disease prevention, which is also applicable to influenza and new crown prevention.”

Zhou Jipu reminded that although influenza is mostly self-limiting , but it can also develop into severe influenza. In the face of influenza, “prevention” is better than “cure”.

Currently, the flu vaccine (available to children over 6 months of age) is the most effective way to prevent the flu, which reduces the risk of contracting the flu virus and developing serious complications. Although there is no 100% guarantee that vaccination will prevent infection, it can indeed reduce the incidence of influenza and reduce the probability of severe illness and death after infection.

Jiang Lina reminded in the above article, “At the moment when the new crown vaccination is vigorously promoted, don’t ignore the influenza vaccination. The interval between two vaccinations should be greater than 14 days. Whether it is to prevent the flu or the new crown If you have pneumonia, you should maintain good personal hygiene habits, wear masks, wash your hands frequently, ventilate frequently, and try to avoid going to crowded places.”

< p>(wc source: Health Times)