1 year old + recipe | Sydney Tremella can do this besides stewing soup? Not only delicious but also exercise grasping

What else can Sydney Tremella do besides stew? It can also be made into a baby’s favorite hair cake. It has a slightly sweet taste, and it has a better flavor when added with honey. The texture of the hair cake is soft and suitable for finger food. Today’s Sydney Tremella Honey Hair Cake recipe is suitable for babies over 1 year old. Big babies can make together with their mothers, let’s learn quickly!

(Make sure your baby is not allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned.)

Sydney Tremella Honey Cake

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Nutritionist Reviews:

Pears contain polyphenol antioxidants such as flavonoids and lignans; pears are high in insoluble cellulose, such as “stone cells” that taste slightly grainy to promote intestinal Peristalsis; pears have high fructose content and are rich in sorbitol, which has super hydrophilic properties, can absorb a large number of water molecules, increase the osmotic pressure of intestinal contents, and stimulate intestinal peristalsis, so some people eat pears. diarrhea symptoms. From the perspective of ingredients, raw pears have higher nutritional value than cooked ones.

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Diet and Health Study of the National Institutes of Health found:

Rosaceae fruits, such as pears, apples, peaches, plums and strawberries, can help reduce the risk of lung cancer.

Nutritionist reminder

Honey should not be consumed by children under the age of 1 because of the risk of botulism.

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About the author: Wang Bin, a child nutritionist, a registered dietitian in China, a national second-level public nutritionist, and a national senior nutrition lecturer. He is good at combining medicine with modern nutritional knowledge, focusing on the field of maternal and infant nutrition and health, and teaching you how to feed your children scientifically.