Why do you need to be at least 18 years old to get a booster shot? China CDC Answers Red Star News

On February 26, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council held a press conference to introduce the situation of epidemic prevention and control and vaccination. Wang Huaqing, chief expert of the immunization program of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, answered a question from a Red Star News reporter about the age range of the recipients of the booster shot.

Wang Huaqing, Chief Expert of Immunization Program of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, answered questions from reporters

Wang Huaqing said that at this stage, the goal of boosting immunization against new coronavirus vaccine The population is determined to be 18 years old and above, which is mainly based on relevant research evidence, after expert argumentation, and approved by relevant parties.

Wang Huaqing introduced that considering the age range of the target when vaccinating is an important part of formulating the immunization program. The formulation of the immunization program includes who to give, how many injections, and how to vaccinate. This is a scientific decision-making process that mainly considers three factors. The first is the epidemic characteristics of the disease, the second is the evidence of the efficacy and safety of vaccination, and the third is the population that is given priority for vaccination. The above three points must be supported by sufficient evidence.

Red Star News reporter Wu Yang intern reporter Hu Yiwen reported in Beijing

Editor Chai Chang

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