Why do people with diabetes have low blood sugar? Mostly related to 3 reasons, teach you 2 tricks to deal with

Diabetes patients attach great importance to their blood sugar, but many patients only pay attention to high blood sugar, ignoring the harm caused by low blood sugar. If diabetes occurs, low blood sugar will cause dizziness and fatigue. In severe cases, it can cause heart failure, myocardial ischemia, and even life-threatening.

Therefore, diabetic patients should not only pay attention to controlling hyperglycemia, but also understand the causes of hypoglycemia and make targeted prevention to avoid health damage.

So why do people with diabetes experience low blood sugar?

1. Improper medication

Statistics show that more than 60% of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients is related to improper medication. Diabetics should take hypoglycemic drugs or insulin injections under the guidance of a doctor. Sugar drugs can cause blood sugar to drop too quickly, causing hypoglycemia.

2. Improper exercise

For diabetic patients, moderate exercise can promote metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity, enhance cardiovascular function, greatly help blood sugar control, and reduce various complications. happened. However, you must pay attention to moderate amount of exercise. If you increase the amount of exercise blindly, it will lead to excessive glucose consumption, which will lead to hypoglycemia.

3. Improper diet

As we all know, diabetics have very strict dietary requirements, and a reasonable diet can help stabilize blood sugar better. But nothing is too much. In order to lower blood sugar, some patients have too strict dietary control, such as not eating staple food or meat at all, which can also easily lead to hypoglycemia.

In addition to the common factors listed above, there are other causes of hypoglycemia. For example, some patients have liver and kidney insufficiency, which can affect the metabolism of drugs, resulting in prolonged half-life of hypoglycemic drugs or delayed insulin excretion, which can also easily lead to hypoglycemia.

In addition, if other drugs are aspirin, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta-blockers, etc. stagnation agents, etc., can also affect the body’s glucose metabolism, causing hypoglycemia.

So, what about hypoglycemia in diabetic patients?

1. Eat some sugary foods

It is recommended that diabetic patients carry some small snacks with them, such as candy, biscuits, chocolate, bread, etc., in case of dizziness, fatigue, sweating, etc. The symptoms of blood sugar can be properly supplemented with the above foods, and the symptoms can be improved quickly.

2. Glucose injection

Some patients have severe symptoms of hypoglycemia, even coma, shock and other symptoms. In this case, it is recommended to go to the hospital immediately and inject intravenous glucose to raise blood sugar until it reaches the normal range.

Hypoglycemia in diabetes is very dangerous, and in severe cases it can even endanger the patient’s life. Therefore, diabetic patients must take scientific and reasonable methods in the process of controlling blood sugar, and avoid self-control. Increase the dose of oral medications or insulin, and avoid excessive dieting and exercise to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia.

At the same time, patients should pay more attention to their own body changes. If symptoms of hypoglycemia appear, they should deal with them in time, such as adding some sugar-sweetened foods or injecting glucose appropriately to restore blood sugar to normal and avoid Threat to life.