What is the probability of “human-to-human transmission” of the new crown?

The epidemics are repeated in various places

What is the probability of “human-to-human transmission” of the Omicron strain?

How to prevent and control “human-to-human transmission”?

Expert interpretation is here!

< span>What is the risk of infection?

The Ormicron strain exhibited both lower and upper respiratory tract infections Respiratory infection. A typical feature of upper respiratory tract infection is that the incubation period is short, the transmission speed is fast, and the surface pollution of the surrounding environment is relatively large.

Generally speaking, the risk of human infection caused by surface contamination is relatively small, but if we touch it repeatedly, we do not pay attention to our hands. Hygiene, if you do not pay attention to personal protection, the risk of infection will increase significantly.

InsistHand Hygiene< /span>

Usually, the main routes of infection of respiratory tract infections are:

1. Spread through close-range droplets;

2. Hands that come into contact with mucous membranes such as the mouth, nose, and eyes without being disinfected or washed are prone to infection.

Hand hygiene is therefore a major measure for the prevention and control of COVID-19!

For personnel engaged in foreign-related cold chain and foreign-related freight, regular nucleic acid testing is required for timely detection of infected persons.

For the general public, express parcels should be sterilized in daily life before opening. Always practice hand hygiene to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 from contaminated surfaces.

Under what circumstances do you need to wash your hands?

How to do the six-step handwashing method?

What are the precautions for household disinfection?

Poke the video to learn ↓↓↓

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