What is the origin of Wu Ahping, who worships Japanese war criminals? Motivation exposed! The business map of the abbot of the temple was ripped off, and he falsely reported 35 million maintenance fees

Everyone must already know about the enshrinement of Japanese war criminals in Xuanzang Temple in Nanjing, and there is no need to repeat the previous situation.

In essence, this incident was a cultural, moral and national emotional terrorist attack, not just an ordinary quarrel and trouble.

Who is Wu Ahping? Late last night, Nanjing issued a notice on the Xuanzang Temple enshrining the memorial tablets of Japanese war criminals who invaded China.

Nanjing Bulletin: Wu Ahping’s identity was ascertained

According to the bulletin issued by the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government Investigation Team, in September 1990 Wu Ahping, who was born in January, moved to Nanjing to live with her parents in 2000. In September 2019, she resigned from the nursing job in a hospital in Nanjing and went to a temple in Mount Wutai to become a lay Buddhist.

According to Wu Ahping’s confession, she learned about the atrocities committed by the Japanese war criminals in Nanjing after she went to Nanjing, and learned about the crimes of Matsui Ishigen and other five war criminals. , so the idea of ​​”getting rid of suffering” came into being by enshrining the five war criminals of the Japanese invaders in China.

Wu Ah Ping knew 5 worshippers [Matsui Ishigen, Gu Shoufu, Noda Takeshi, Tanaka Junyoshi, Mukai Toshiaki and Hua Qun (American Minnie Weitling)] are war criminals of the Japanese invaders (Noda Takeshi also launched the notorious “killing competition” in the “Nanjing Massacre”.), they still use every Each tablet is 100 yuan per year, with a 5-year charging standard, and the tablet is dedicated to the above-mentioned five war criminals.

When filling in the name on the registration form, when the monk Lingsong (born in September 1979, dropped out of junior high school) asked Whether the enshrined is his relatives or friends, Wu Ahping lied to be his friends.

Wu Ahping has been detained

On February 26 this year, a female believer went to the Tibetan Temple of Xuanzang Temple to find herself The monks Qingxuan and Luxuan helped find the tablet enshrined with several tourists. During the discovery, the tablet of the war criminals of the Japanese invaders was found, and a tourist took a photo.

Qingxuan immediately took down the memorial tablets of the five Japanese war criminals who invaded China, and informed the abbot of the incident by fax that night. Fax requests are strictly prohibited from spreading the word, and he has not reported it to the competent authorities since then.

On July 21, tourists who took pictures posted their photos to social platforms, which were widely forwarded, which aroused great attention from the society. .

Wu Ahping’s enshrining the tablet of the war criminals of the Japanese invaders is a personal act, and it has not been found that she was instructed or conspired with others. Facing the TV camera, Wu Ahping said: I want to repent to everyone.

The report pointed out that Wu Ahping knew that the enshrined person was a war criminal of aggression against China, but out of his own wrong understanding of the cause and effect and selfish motives, he still invested in the installation of religious activities. Tablet. The act seriously hurt the feelings of the nation and caused bad social impact. He was suspected of the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and has been criminally detained by the public security organs.

From the beginning to receive the monk Lingsong worshipped by Wu Ahping

Public information shows that Xuanzang The temple is the first youth patriotism education base in Nanjing and even in Jiangsu Province with temples as the carrier.

In the social accounts of Xuanzang Temple in Nanjing, the monk Lingsong has been mentioned many times. This person often attends social activities as a representative of Xuanzang Temple, and is responsible for offering lanterns and praying for others in the temple.

It is reported that Lingsong is the apprentice of the former abbot Fax. When I went to Lingsong, I drove a temple vehicle without permission from the abbot., was sentenced to two years in prison after hitting and killing someone in a traffic accident.

once falsely reported 35 million maintenance fees, the original host fax business layout was exposed

It is worth noting that in addition to being the abbot, he is also a businessman and screenwriter. This company has also made two patriotic films with the theme of “anti-Japanese”.

On March 24, 2011, the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs issued a “Request for Funds for the Maintenance of Nanjing Jiuhua Mountain and Luohan Cave” to the Nanjing Municipal Government, asking the Nanjing Municipal Government to provide financial support and help Xuanzang Temple needs about 37 million yuan to maintain and utilize the mountains and caves in the temple.

But after that, the Development and Reform Bureau of Xuanwu District, Nanjing issued a document to approve that the total investment of the assessed project was only about 2 million yuan, and Raised by Nanjing Xuanzang Temple.

In other words, Xuanzang Temple falsely reported more than 30 million maintenance costs.

Tianyancha shows that Fax is currently the legal person, controlling shareholder and executive director of three companies including Nanjing Sanzang Culture Media Co., Ltd. Legal persons of Sanzang Jinghui Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Chengzhitang Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. Zena Culture Communication Branch.

Nanjing Sanzang Culture has produced two films “Sanzang Pagoda 1942” and “Qixia Temple 1937”, which mainly reflect the The story of Chinese monks and folk knights fighting against Japanese invaders to protect national treasures and refugees.

The screenwriters and producers of both films are Fax Masters. In addition, Fax is also a “celebrity” figure in Nanjing’s official circles, and he enjoys chatting and laughing with ministerial officials.

Nowadays, the former abbot of Xuanzang Temple in Nanjing choked and repented with tears in front of the camera, saying, “I didn’t report the problem after I discovered the problem. The public security department reported the case and caused serious consequences, I am very ashamed and apologize to the people of the whole country!”

The source of Wu Aping’s mistakes Due to ignorance, stupidity and ignorance; the abbot of the monastery concealed the fax but did not report it, trying to hide it from the sky and the sea, it is already a lack of reverence and respect for the painful history of Nanjing.

The incident of enshrining the tablets of war criminals of the Japanese invaders in religious activities has seriously impacted the bottom line of social morality and seriously hurt the feelings of the nation. The five war criminal tablets not only trampled on the bottom line of the Chinese people, hurt the feelings of the people of the whole country, but also damaged the dignity of the Chinese people.

Forgetting history means betrayal. Only by remembering history can we create the future. Such incidents must be punished by the past and the future, and the younger generation must be guided to establish a correct view of history, strengthen cultural self-confidence, and avoid falling into the mire of historical nihilism.

Full text reference materials: People’s Daily, Nanjing Publishing, Zhengguan News, Dongfang.com, Tianyancha, public examination information, etc.