The thicker the “hair” of these three parts of women, the healthier the body? If you occupy one, it is also qualified

According to statistics, the average life expectancy of women is higher than that of men, generally about 3 to 5 years higher. A person’s lifespan is affected by many factors, including genetics, lifestyle and living environment. If there are long-lived people in the immediate family, no bad habits, living in an environment with fresh air, good mentality and healthy posture, etc., then they will definitely live a long life. Did you know that the longevity of women is also related to body hair. The thicker the hair in the three parts, the healthier the body.

Which parts of a woman have thick hair and are healthy?

1. Hair

Black, shiny and thick hair adds to the image, looks youthful and Vibrant. As you get older, your hair becomes dry and yellowish or white, and the problem of hair loss is gradually exacerbated. Having thick hair means that the kidneys have strong function and sufficient kidney essence, which can nourish hair growth. Middle-aged and elderly women still have dark and thick hair and less hair loss, which is a sign of good health.

2. Eyebrows

Generally long-lived elderly people have thick, particularly long and drooping eyebrows. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, thick eyebrows are the palace of longevity, indicating that there is sufficient qi and blood. Because of sufficient qi and blood, all parts get enough blood and oxygen and nutrients to nourish, which is beneficial to the health of the body. If the eyebrows are sparse, short, dry, etc., it indicates that the blood is insufficient, which is harmful to the health of the body, thereby shortening the lifespan.

3, armpit hair

Usually in summer, women will take off their armpit hair early to avoid embarrassment caused by thick armpit hair. Thick armpit hair is not a bad thing, it indicates that the sweat glands in the armpit are exuberant, which is helpful for the body to discharge metabolic wastes and toxins and maintain a stable internal environment.

What behaviors affect women’s longevity?

1. Under great pressure

Women are under no less pressure than men, except to In addition to taking care of children and the elderly at home, they also face complex interpersonal relationships. Over time, they are overwhelmed by pressure, resulting in endocrine disorders and increased risk of disease.

2, smoking and drinking p>

Smoking and drinking are harmful to all but not beneficial, especially for women, who are more susceptible to lung cancer, coronary heart disease, cerebral hemorrhage, and liver cancer.

3. Lack of exercise

Insufficient physical activity, high-calorie and high-fat diets make The body produces excess heat, which is converted into fat accumulation, which leads to obesity. Obesity is a high-risk factor for many diseases.

How should women maintain health?

1. Sufficient calcium and iron supplementation

Due to factors such as menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, and breastfeeding, It makes women prone to iron-deficiency anemia, so iron should be properly supplemented, which can be obtained from meat, animal blood and animal offal, egg yolk, and spinach. At the same time, it can be used with fresh vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C to promote iron absorption. In addition, after the age of 35, you should focus on calcium supplementation, eat more calcium-rich foods, such as milk and dairy products, green leafy vegetables and beans, etc., and properly bask in the sun to promote calcium absorption and prevent osteoporosis.

2. Exercise more

Insist on aerobic exercise, such as practicing yoga, brisk walking, Jogging and swimming, etc., each exercise should not be less than 30 minutes, and adhere to about 4 to 5 times a week, which can consume excess calories in the body, and at the same time, it can also relax the body and mind and release stress.

Message from the doctor

Women should balance family and The relationship between careers, achieve the combination of work and rest, and put physical health first. Learn how to release pressure and vent negative emotions reasonably, such as confiding in relatives and friends, crying happily or exercising outdoors, etc. At the same time, regular physical examinations are also required, at least once a year.

Family doctor online feature, unauthorized reprint