The calf is connected to the liver, brain and heart, but many people don’t pay attention to it, causing a whole body of disease!

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In the opinion of traditional Chinese medicine experts, the importance of calf health has long exceeded its own supporting role . The calf is connected to the liver, brain and heart, but many people don’t pay attention to it, causing a whole body of disease! It’s not too late to see.

In the opinion of Chinese medicine experts, in our body, the calf can even be called the “second heart” of the human body!

calf=second heart

Helps blood flow and delays aging

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Blood runs in both arteries and veins. Arteries run, and the heart pushes the most important;

for veins, muscles The pressure generated by the contraction is one of the hemodynamic forces, and the venous return of the legs is mainly caused by the contraction of the calf muscles.

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Taking good care of the calf is like adding a “pump” to the lower part of the body to help the heart A hand in hand.

This means that the importance of the calf has come to the human body “Second Heart” status. As the saying goes, people grow old before their legs grow old, and they can live longer if they have strength in their legs. Middle-aged and elderly people are at high risk of leg diseases, and special attention should be paid to keeping the legs healthy.

The calf is the “load-bearing wall”< /span>

The calf is like the load-bearing wall of the human body. Any movement including standing and walking is inseparable from the contraction of the calf muscles. It can be said that more than half of the activities and energy consumption in a person’s life are completed by the calf. Dai Jingang added that the easy fall of the elderly has a lot to do with the reduced function of the calf.

< span>The calf is the “traffic artery”

50% of the nerves, blood vessels and blood of the human body are in the legs . There are also more than 60 acupuncture points on the calf, and the six important meridians of the three yang meridians of the foot and the three yin meridians of the foot also pass through the calf.

Calves are “health centers”

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The calf plays an important role in health care, disease prevention and treatment. On the one hand, there are many meridians and acupoints in the calf, so massaging the calf often is like massaging the internal organs; on the other hand, the calf can take medicine like a “mouth”, because the skin behind the middle ear and the back of the whole body is the thinnest, and the calf ranks first. Third, but it has a larger area, more blood vessels, and is more suitable for medicated baths.

Now pedicure shops are open all over the street, but the thickness of the skin of the calf is only 1/5 of that of the sole of the foot, and the area and the number of blood vessels are 4~6 times that of the foot. The effect of leg therapy is actually better than that of pedicure.

< span>The calf is the “disease reflection area”

Many diseases will be reflected in the calf, for example, calf cramps may be related to Calcium deficiency and swelling indicate that the viscera is diseased, and cold means deficient constitution, etc., and timely detection of symptoms is conducive to early prevention and treatment of diseases.

Many habits that hurt the legs affect the heart, brain, and liver

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The calf is so important, but many people don’t know how to cherish it and let bad habits hurt their health.

1< /span>Sedentary standing

sitting Most of the muscles of the human body, including the calf muscles, are in a relaxed state, but it is not good to relax for a long time, because the muscles need to be constantly contracted to maintain their elasticity and toughness.

Surgeons, police officers, security guards and other people who stand for a long time, the calf muscles are in a tense state for a long time, which is not healthy.

2Wear heels

The heel is the ligament that connects the bones at the heel to the muscles of the calf. When you press your toes, the heels will become tense. If you step on high heels, the heels will always be tense, and will not relax over time.

When you wear flat shoes again, you will feel that your calf muscles are stretched and uncomfortable, and the shape will naturally not look good. That is because Your heels are shortened. The higher the heel, the more tension it puts on the Achilles tendon.

=”3″ data-original-title=”” placeholder=”1″ title=””>3 catch a cold

Cold penetration into the calf is not conducive to blood circulation, and may also induce osteoarthritis in the long run. Dai Jingang said that patients with “upper heat and lower cold” are common in clinical practice. They are prone to sweating and fever above the waist, and are prone to fatigue and cold pain below the waist. This has a certain relationship with people not paying attention to keeping their legs warm.


When the legs are crossed, the knees that are pressed by the pads will be compressed, which will easily affect the blood circulation of the lower limbs, induce varicose veins in the legs, and even thrombosis. Patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease should pay special attention.

< span>5Excessive exercise

It’s not good to let your muscles sit idle, nor to exercise excessively. Traditional Chinese medicine says that “long-term walking hurts the tendons”. There are tendons at the connection between the calf and the foot, which play an important role in lifting the foot and walking. Appropriate exercise is conducive to the strengthening of the tendons and fascia of the limbs, but long-distance travel, excessive force, and excessive load will cause muscle strain and muscle damage. Severe cases may result in sudden death.

6Wear leggings

< p>Tight pants and shaping stockings may hinder blood circulation in the calf, and even cause varicose veins in the lower extremities, making the skin of the calf appear clearly visible spider web-like capillaries, and even worm-like vein bulges.

Traditional Chinese medicine experts have unique tricks for calf care

Three steps to reduce calf age

Young legs, not old!

The health of the calf is so important, it is never too late to take care of the calf, span>Especially after the age of 40, the function of various parts of the body is accelerated, and more attention should be paid to protecting the calf. Exercise muscles and increase the ability of veins to contract.

< >“Seven Dumps and All Diseases in the Back”

“The Seven Dumps in the Back and All Diseases Eliminated” “It is an exercise in Health Qigong Baduanjinli, which can effectively exercise the calf muscles and relieve heel pain.

Ding Liling, an associate researcher at the Health Qigong Management Center of the General Administration of Sports of the People’s Republic of China said that flipping the feet can develop the strength of the posterior calf muscles , Lengthen the plantar muscles and ligaments and improve balance ability.

2walking is the easiest leg exercise strong>

Walking is the easiest way to train legs. The American Academy of Sports Medicine also recommends that walking is a better exercise to strengthen the legs. Exercising leg strength can effectively prevent falls.

< >Practice:

Adhere to 30 minutes a day, more than 5 times a week, and gradually increase the pace.

3Leg swing: prevent lower extremity atrophy and weakness

Leg swinging can promote blood circulation, relax muscles, prevent hemiplegia, lower limb atrophy and weakness, leg numbness, calf cramps, etc.


Hands on hips, first swing the calf forward, so that the toes are raised upwards, and then swing back, so that the toes are forced back, and the soles of the feet Keep your legs as straight as possible. When swinging the legs, keep the upper body upright and switch legs dozens of times each.

4Calf Rub: Strengthens Legs Strength

Kneading the calf can increase leg strength.


Clamp one side of the calf with both palms, rub while turning, each timeKnead sideways about 20 times, and then knead the other leg in the same way.

5Daily Soak: With Legs “Take medicine”

Experts recommend that everyone develop the habit of soaking their feet every day. The calf can take medicine like a “mouth”, because the calf has thin skin, large area and many blood vessels, so it is more suitable for medicated bath immersion.

The thickness of the skin of the calf is only 1/5 of that of the sole of the foot, but the area and number of blood vessels are 4-6 times that of the foot. Leg therapy is actually better than pedicure.


Choose a deeper basin, and the water should cover 2/3 of the calf;

After soaking your feet, massage the acupoints for better effect, and pay attention to keep your feet warm.

Using the five methods above and doing it every day can keep your calves healthy and young, so , in order to live longer, less pain! The calf is the second heart, and the maintenance of the calf should start from now on. Tell your friends now!

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