Symptoms of “excess yin qi” and ways to treat them

【This article is: Dr. Peng’s “Huangdi Neijing” series – the essence – six hundred and forty-six. (More exciting content is being updated continuously…)]

“Those who have faults, cut them out, those who are astringent have excess yang qi, and those who are slippery have excess yin qi; excess yang qi means body heat without sweating, excess yin qi means sweating and body cold, If there is a surplus of yin and yang, there will be no sweating and coldness.” —— “Huangdi Neijing · The Essence of Vessels”

(Continued from the previous article)Let’s look at it later, it is called “there is no sweat and cold when there is excess yin qi”. It will be cold. If there is excess yang, there will be no sweat in the body. Yang evil refers to the stagnation of yang qi, stagnating yang qi on the skin surface and preventing sweating. At this time, if there is excess yin and yang, there will be no sweating and coldness. Zhang Jingyue commented in this way: “There is no sweat in the excess of yang, and it shows the reality. The excess of yin is cold in the body, and the excess of yin. The excess of yin and yang, the excess of yin and evil on the surface.” In fact, the inner body is very cold, but the appearance, the appearance means It is the Taiyang Bladder Meridian, which refers to the surface layer of our body’s skin, which is silted up. After bruising, the body has no sweat, the body is afraid of cold, and the joints are painful. At this time, the inner cold is very heavy, and the outer surface is still gloomy. At this time, the outer cold silt must be relieved, and the It is necessary to dispel the cold and relieve the exterior. With this method, if it is the viscera, it is the Sanyin meridian. If it is also cold, you may have to use the aconite series. Zhang Zhongjing will directly use the ephedra aconite asarum soup.

So Yao Zhi’an wrote in “Su Wen Jing Annotations” It is said in “Explanation”: “When the yang is strong and there is no sweat, and the yin is strong and the body is cold, the treatment is suitable for warming and dispersing. It is used by Zhongjing, and Fuzi Xixin Decoction is also true.” In fact, what he said here is very accurate. Yao Zhi’an is very proficient in ” Treatise on”. There is no sweat in the body, and the sweat cannot come out, which means that the cold air cannot come out, and it is closed in the body. What will happen to an ordinary person who is closed in the body? He has a high fever, but this patient is still cold, that is, his body is still very cold. What does this mean? It means that he has a cold physique, and he has a cold. It is very likely that the disease has gone to Shaoyin.It is no longer in the Taiyang Meridian, and it is dangerous to go straight to Shaoyin. Sometimes we may encounter some elderly people in the clinic.

An article I read a few years ago, under the flu I am middle-aged in Beijing. It seems that the author of the article mentioned an old man who was blown by the wind in winter, and suddenly suffered from a severe case of Shaoyin, and was directly admitted to the ICU. , It existed in ancient times. In ancient times, this kind of situation was called straight bardo-shaoyin, and critical illness appeared directly without going through these problems of appearance. Unlike ordinary young people with colds, runny nose, sneezing, neck pain, and fever, which directly enter the viscera, causing failure of the heart, lungs and other internal organs.At this time, the patient’s yang energy is insufficient, so Zhongjing He will use aconite to warm the inside. However, I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to the usage of aconite. Listeners, especially those who are fans of traditional Chinese medicine, I am not particularly advocating that you take aconite directly by yourself. This is risky, and aconite must be used reasonably. , and another is asarum. Zhong Jing will use ephedra in this area, ephedra opens the sun, so there is aconite to warm the inside, asarum colludes with the three yin meridians and three yang meridians to help evil spirits go out, this is the function of asarum. In this way, the cold in the body is removed, and at the same time, the cold in the outside is dissipated, and at the same time, the yang in the kidney is warmed. This is the method of treatment. There are not many such patients in outpatient clinics, and such patients may go directly to the emergency department and respiratory department of the hospital for targeted treatment.

The “Huangdi Neijing” we are seeing now The original paragraph is to remind everyone to pay attention to it if they encounter it in the future. People with excess yang energy have hot body and no sweat, so in turn, the body often sweats, and sweats when there is a little activity, and it is easy to sweat spontaneously. There are two kinds of sweating. Some are spontaneous sweating. Spontaneous sweating means sitting there and sweating even when you are not moving. When you go upstairs, you will sweat all over. This is called spontaneous sweating. The other is night sweats. Night sweats occur when you sleep at night. After waking up, you find that you sweat a lot when you fell asleep just now. This is called night sweats. The pathogenesis of spontaneous sweating and night sweating is also different. Night sweating mostly belongs to yin deficiency, and spontaneous sweating mostly belongs to yang deficiency,especially exterior yang deficiency. Symptoms to corroborate, to carry out syndrome differentiation and treatment, and then carry out conditioning.

This is the meaning of this classic text. That’s all for now, thank you for listening, and see you next time.

This article is: Dr. Peng talks about ” Huangdi Neijing” series – the essence – six hundred and forty-six. (More exciting content is being updated continuously…)

Disclaimer: This article is for health knowledge sharing. The drugs, prescriptions, acupuncture and other treatments and health preservation methods involved in this article should be used under the guidance of professional physicians, and do not use them by yourself. We will not be responsible for any problems caused by improper use.

Copyright statement: this article AuthorPeng Xin,This article is an original article, and may not be reproduced or quoted without permission.

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