Shanxi Taiyuan issued a document to ensure the medical needs of people with different colors of health codes

This article is transferred from [China News Network];

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Shanxi Taiyuan issued a document to ensure the medical needs of people with different colors of health codes

Zhongxin Net Taiyuan, February 26 (Reporter Fan Lifang) On the evening of February 25, the Taiyuan City Epidemic Prevention and Control Office of Shanxi Province issued classified treatment measures for people holding health codes of different colors.

When a person with a health code of red has medical needs, he/she should report to the doctor in the community (village) or sub-district (township) for evaluation and approval. Those with symptoms related to new coronary pneumonia will be transported by 120 special vehicles Go to Fendong District of Taiyuan Central Hospital and Taiyuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital South Inner Ring District for medical treatment; for those who do not have the above symptoms, the county (city, district) prevention and control office will arrange vehicles for point-to-point transfer to Fendong Hospital of Taiyuan Central Hospital District, Taiyuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital South Inner Ring District for medical treatment.

When a person whose health code is a yellow code has medical needs, the community shall report to the county (city, district) prevention and control office during the period of home isolation and medical observation, and arrange for a point-to-point transfer by vehicle to the nearest fever clinic for treatment , do closed-loop management; during the health monitoring period, report to the community (village), street (township) where you are located, do personal protection, go to the nearest fever clinic for medical treatment and investigation, truthfully inform your travel history and contact history, and seek medical attention. No public transport is allowed on the way.

If the person with an asterisk in the green code has symptoms related to the new coronary pneumonia, take personal protection, go to the nearest fever clinic for medical treatment and investigation, truthfully inform the travel history and contact history, and are not allowed to take public transportation on the way to the doctor Tools; those without the above symptoms, with a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, go to the general outpatient and emergency department.

All medical institutions shall not use the negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours as a restriction on admission, and shall not excuse or reject patients for any reason. For critically ill patients for whom new coronary pneumonia cannot be ruled out, transition wards (rooms) should be set up in emergency rescue rooms, operating rooms, and wards, nucleic acid testing should be carried out while active rescue, and test results should be issued expeditiously. Detection technology to minimize the detection time of critically ill patients.

For patients with elective surgery, it is necessary to strengthen the explanation and communication with the patients, strive to gain the understanding of the patients, and determine the operation time according to the situation of epidemic prevention and control.

During medical consultation, please call 12345 if you have medical consultation or feedback. (End)

[Editor: Tian Boqun]