Parkinson’s Disease Care Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University: “Pain” that Parkinson’s patients easily ignore

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease in middle-aged and elderly people. Its clinical features include slow movement, tremor, muscle rigidity and other motor symptoms and Non-motor symptoms (NMS). For a long time, motor symptoms have been the research focus of Parkinson’s disease, but long-term observational studies on Parkinson’s disease patients have found that non-motor symptoms accompanied by pain are also important factors affecting the quality of life of patients.

For patients with cataract Parkinson’s disease, the early stage often delays the disease. Generally speaking, in the early stage of the disease, patients will feel that their limbs are inflexible, they do not like sports, and their neck and shoulder muscles are sore. It is often considered to be a manifestation of aging. Some patients even go to the orthopedic doctor because of stiff and sore neck muscles. After a long period of treatment, the symptoms do not improve, but the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are ignored.

Associate Professor Chen Wei from the Northwest Parkinson’s Disease Care Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University introduced: Everyone’s first understanding of Parkinson’s disease is tremor, in fact ” The symptoms and manifestations of “pain pain” are complex and diverse, and can be divided into musculoskeletal pain, spastic pain, radicular pain, central pain and akathisia.

Musculoskeletal pain is the most common and manifests as soreness in different parts , cramps, and joint pain are most common in the lower limbs and are misdiagnosed as lumbar disc herniation, while shoulder and arm pain are often misdiagnosed as shoulder bursitis, cervical spondylosis, and frozen shoulder. The soreness and stiffness of the waist also appeared relatively early, and it is also one of the pains most commonly complained by patients. It often occurs after standing and walking for a period of time. This kind of pain is often caused by the increase of the muscle tone of the trunk muscles, the long-term hunchback of the patient, and the change of the shape and structure of the lumbar spine, which leads to chronic inflammation and structural remodeling of muscles, ligaments, and bones. These types of pain are early in the onset and can be relieved when Parkinson’s disease medications take effect. But after a long course of disease, the muscles, joints, ligaments, and joint capsules of the body will undergo structural changes, such as joint contractures, bone spurs, and fibrosis of ligaments. Not obvious anymore.

Spasmodic pain is the second type of common pain, manifested as twisting and deformation of joints. Patients will have toe spasm-like pain. For example, the upturning of the big toe and the curling of the little toe will cause severe pain like muscle cramps, which belongs to dystonia pain, and this pain sometimes affects the arms. This dystonic pain sometimes occurs when the Parkinson’s disease drug is working (on period) and sometimes when the drug fails (off period), and is characterized by sudden onset and onset. Patients should closely observe the relationship between symptoms and medication and exercise, and then inform the doctor so that the usage and dosage of the drug can be adjusted according to individual characteristics.

Nerve root pain: Patients often describe the feeling that a “muscle” is pulled behind the legs, and they cannot bend over or straighten their legs. leg.

Patients with central pain will have pain that is not related to motor symptoms such as muscle stiffness, cramps, tremors, such as limbs feeling like cutting, burning , Ant bites and other sensations.

Akathisia manifests as restlessness, feeling that the legs have an indescribable soreness and discomfort, and the patient needs to get up and walk It can be relieved after a while, and it is a relatively common symptom that patients have difficulty falling asleep at night.