No matter how strong the heart is, it can’t bear it! The heart is most afraid of these things

The heart is an organ that cannot rest for a moment. It beats steadily and regularly, providing the human body with a steady stream of vitality. Once the heart “faults”, life may stop at any time, and the hottest July to August each year is precisely the high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

A few things the heart is most afraid of

01 Getting up too hard Early in the morning is a high incidence period for cardio-cerebral emergencies, because the human body sweats a lot in summer. After a night of sleep, blood viscosity increases and blood circulation slows down in the early morning. At this time, if you get up suddenly, the blood vessels may be in a state of stress, which can easily induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.


After waking up, it is best to lie on the bed for a while, then sit up and stretch, and then slowly get up after the whole body is awake.

02 Drinking water too fast In high temperature days, the human body sweats a lot, and the water supply is not enough, which is not conducive to the body’s perspiration and heat dissipation, which is more prone to heat stroke, and also increases the risk of urinary stones. Many people will gulp water when they are thirsty, but drinking water too fast or too vigorously will stimulate the heart, and even cause heart failure in severe cases.


Normally, don’t wait until you are thirsty before thinking about drinking water. You should take the initiative to drink about 200 ml of water every 1-2 hours.

03 The air-conditioning is too high. The outdoor temperature is very high in summer. If the temperature of the air-conditioning is adjusted very low, the human body will have a stress response when the two environments change between cold and hot. For example, a sudden constriction of blood vessels may lead to emergencies such as myocardial infarction and stroke. In addition, if the air conditioner is turned on for too long, the oxygen content in the room will drop, and it may also cause discomfort such as chest tightness and dizziness.


The air-conditioning temperature in summer should preferably not be lower than 26℃, and it is best not to frequently enter and exit the air-conditioned room. Generally open the air conditioner for two or three hours, and you should open the window for half an hour.

04 A large belly and obesity can lead to an enlarged heart and heart failure. Some people simply call it obesity cardiomyopathy. Usually we often say “wheezing when you are fat”, which refers to the performance of heart enlargement and heart failure caused by obesity. In addition, the lipid composition in the blood of obese people will also increase, which can easily lead to atherosclerosis, weaken the elasticity of blood vessels, and induce hypertension, thereby causing further damage to the heart.

05 Snoring is too loud Although it cannot be said that just snoring will harm the heart, there is one type of snoring that does damage the heart – sleep apnea syndrome, which means breathing stops during sleep. These patients are often difficult to control blood pressure, high blood pressure at the same time the heart rate will increase, and some may also have arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation.


To avoid snoring, we first need to lose weight, eat less and exercise more, do not drink alcohol at night, and sleep on your side. If the snoring symptoms are still not relieved, further treatment is required.

06 Difficulty defecation Some people have high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, etc. The elasticity of blood vessels is poor and cannot withstand too much pressure. Defecation with forceful holding of breath can cause increased abdominal pressure, which may induce blood vessels to rupture and bleed. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people who already suffer from underlying diseases, if constipation is troubled, try to avoid forced defecation and seek medical help in time. 07 Too much stress A person’s heart is full of stress and anxiety, and he may not say it out, but his heart will feel it very “honestly”. The heart acts as the power pump of the body, delivering blood to the whole body, and also has some neuroendocrine functions.

Stress triggers the release of cortisol and adrenaline, hormones that unknowingly control the beating of the heart and “steal” blood from it, causing myocardial ischemia. The reason why stress “steals” myocardial blood is mainly due to the manipulation of the heart from three aspects: changing hormone levels When a person is stimulated by strong mental stress, the sympathetic nerve will be activated, and the level of hormones will increase, such as “catecholamines” . This is a neurochemical whose massive secretion causes blood pressure to rise, heart rate to increase, and myocardial oxygen consumption to increase, causing transient myocardial ischemia that leaves us feeling breathless. When the pressure causing abnormal vasoconstriction is high, the coronary vasoconstriction response will be abnormal, such as microvascular constriction, which is easy to induce myocardial ischemia. Under long-term stress, cholesterol will rise, blood sugar will rise, and platelet viscosity will increase. These stress responses will gradually damage the vascular system, and even become the fuse of heart attacks. People with two genes, ADRB1 and Ser49, are more likely to perceive high mental stress, which triggers the switch of myocardial ischemia.

10 ways to strengthen your heart

It’s not difficult to make your heart strong, but it is recommended to make a few small changes from now on to keep your heart healthy. 01 Regular physical examination: screening for risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc.

02 Know your family history: Cardiovascular disease is highly heritable, and we need to understand our risk. 03 Eat less sugar: especially processed foods that contain added sugar. 04 Stay away from fried food: Occasional French fries and fried chicken are fine, but you can’t eat too much. 05Intake more dietary fiber: such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, oats, beans and nuts.

06 Decompression: Stress can increase heart disease risk,Active participation in sports can help reduce stress.

07 Make sure you sleep: Try to go to bed half an hour earlier than usual to ensure that you have 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep every night, which can help reduce the risk of heart attack. 08 Quit smoking completely: Also avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.

09 Take a brisk walk every day: Going for a brisk walk outdoors every day can not only offset some of the damage caused by prolonged sitting, but also benefit your heart health. 10 Maintain a healthy weight: A Harvard School of Public Health study found that weight gain and a larger waistline increase the risk of heart disease.

(appointment with famous doctor)