Lower body weakness, insomnia, cold in winter and heat in summer? Water and fire are both economical, yin and yang balance

“Doctor, please help me, I’m really finished, if it doesn’t work this time, I’m going to be homeless I got it,” a man in a suit said to me with sincerity and anxiety…

After calming the patient’s emotions, learn more about it

The patient is 39 years old and has been in this condition for almost a year. I have been looking for various methods for conditioning, but the effect is always unsatisfactory. There was a period of time when the situation was more serious than now. In addition to my ability, now I have: Sleep quality Poor, dizzy, dreaming more at night, wet dreams, and fear of cold in winter, fear of heat in summer, weak waist and knees, feeling very tired every day, high pressure, thinking a lot, sweating easily in summer, sweating a little when moving, Frustrated and upset.

I see him The quality of his tongue is relatively light, the tongue coating is thin and white, and the pulse is relatively weak. Based on all his conditions, I comprehensively analyze that it is caused by the deficiency of both yin and yang of the heart and kidney.

Why does the deficiency of heart and kidney yin and yang cause this? Because our heart and kidneys are normally intermingled, the heart is on top and the kidneys are on the bottom. The heart fire on the top runs down to warm the kidney water, while the kidney water on the bottom goes up, so that the kidney water is nourished by the heart fire, thereby It does not become cold, and the heart fire is suppressed by the kidney water to avoid excessive heart fire. When the two are out of balance, the heart fire is too strong, which means that it will disturb the essence and cause problems.

So in the face of this situation, it is natural to nourish the heart and the kidney, so that water and fire are both beneficial, so the medicines are Achyranthes chinensis, Coptis chinensis, cinnamon, and raspberry. , Yam, Astragalus, Atractylodes, Suanzaoren, Centipede, Polygala, the above drugs should be used under the guidance of professional physicians. The situation gradually improved over time.

In addition to drug conditioning, You can also do this in your life:

1. Need more rest, don’t think too much< /u>

2. Avoid excessive tension, anxiety and other adverse stimuli span>

3. Pay attention to the tonic effect of food and eat more Easy-to-digest foods

4. Frequent insomnia

5. According to the physical condition, you can take appropriate walks and qigong exercises