Low-density lipoprotein, how low is appropriate? The doctor said: The blood lipid research of primitive people tells you

Low-density lipoprotein is the worst blood lipid in the blood lipid spectrum, and it is also the basic substance for the formation of yellow-orange-orange atheromatous plaques. Look at the atheromatous plaque in the picture below, most of which are bad blood lipids called “low-density lipoprotein”.

The yellow-orange substance here is “low-density lipoprotein”

Is LDL cholesterol in modern blood normal or elevated? What was the low density lipoprotein level in the blood of ancient people? This is a topic that many people, especially those with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, are most concerned about. Such topics may seem unfounded, but there are actually ways to get relevant data. Today, Dr. Zhang will talk about this topic, hoping to help everyone.

Want to clarify what modern civilization has done to our blood lipids? Dr. Zhang will introduce you from two aspects: first, what is the blood lipid of wild mammals; second, what is the blood lipid of ancient human beings. To clarify these two aspects, you can know whether our modern people have high blood lipids.

1. What is the blood lipid of animals?

For mammals living in nature, as long as they are in the wild state, most of the blood lipid levels are very low, especially the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level that everyone is concerned about does not exceed 1.4mmol/l . This level of low-density lipoprotein is also the level recommended by the human medical community for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Once these mammals are fed by humans, blood lipids will increase, especially in mammals such as pigs and rabbits. Medical students who have attended medical universities feel this more deeply, especially graduate students who study cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, because the most commonly used “modeling” animals are pigs and rabbits. Feed these animals a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet for a long time, and soon these animals develop atherosclerotic plaques. In fact, this also illustrates the impact of modern diets on blood lipids and health in mammals.

Second, what is the blood lipid of primitive people?

Study on the blood lipids of primitive people, many people think how can we know the blood lipids of primitive people? In fact, this understanding is not entirely correct. We still have a way to understand the blood lipid levels of primitive people. For example, there are some primitive tribes in the Amazon region of Brazil, and the people living there live a very close to primitive state. By conducting relevant research on the blood lipids of these people, the medical community can “peep” the blood lipids of primitive people in modern society. This study finally found that for many primitive tribes in the Brazilian Amazon, even in middle-aged and old age, the low-density lipoprotein still does not exceed 1.8mmol/l, and the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is also very low. The problem reflected by the results of this study is that the blood lipids of our modern people are too high, especially the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level is too high, so we have a high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Third, will it be unhealthy if blood lipids are too low?

In the real world, there are still voices that say, “Will it be unhealthy to have too low blood lipids?” Indeed, even the “bad blood lipids” LDL have a physiological role, That is, it can help our body form cell membranes, synthesize hormones, etc. If it is too low, some physiological functions will be affected. So, how much should the worst blood lipid low-density lipoprotein cholesterol be controlled? How much can not be lower? In fact, this question is actually the answer to this question by looking at the blood lipid level of the newborn. The newborn grows very fast, and the level of its low-density lipoprotein is about 0.7-1.0mmol/l. Therefore, if you are really worried that blood lipids are too low to be harmful to your health, then you should not be lower than the level of newborns.

All in all, many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases we see at this stage are indeed caused by our unhealthy lifestyles, and the ultimate answer to changing all this is to improve our lifestyles, If necessary, professional lipid-lowering treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor. Are you right?

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