“Irregular menstruation” is very dangerous to take medicine indiscriminately! Doctor: Menstruation within this range is considered normal.

Menstruation, I am afraid of it coming, and I am afraid that it will come in disorder.

I was worried about breakouts and dysmenorrhea when I came; if I was delayed, the amount was small, or I didn’t come, I was worried about whether there was something wrong with my body!

The truth is, these are normal periods!

Image source: Science Home Parenting Original

Most women have irregular periods, and it’s not a big deal, maybe lately: stress? Depression? Or busy losing weight and not eating well? …

If there is, release stress, relieve good mood, eat well, return to a healthy and normal life, and menstruation will naturally be normal.

Change pads at least every 4 hours! Change the quantity too!

But be wary of the following situations, it may be a real “irregular menstrual period”, and see if you have any:

1. The cycle is shortened, and the menstrual cycle is less than 21 days;

2. Prolonged cycle, menstrual cycle ≥ 35 days;

3. The menstrual flow increased significantly and the menstrual period was prolonged;

4. Menstrual flow is significantly reduced or only spotting bleeding occurs in each menstrual period;

5. Sudden amenorrhea for unknown reasons;

6. Obvious abdominal pain before menstruation;

(excluding contraceptives, emotional effects, etc.)

Irregular menstruation is mostly caused by endocrine disorders, and some are caused by genital diseases or systemic diseases, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, cervicitis, cervical Polyps etc.

Of course, if you have a long-term irregular diet, overwork, smoking and drinking, etc., it will also cause irregular menstruation.

Lack of timely treatment or improvement of lifestyle habits will not only make your skin dull and dull, but also may cause many gynecological diseases and even infertility!

Image source: Science Home Parenting Original

So no matter what the cause, be sure to seek medical attention in time! Don’t make a blind diagnosis on the Internet and buy medicine blindly because of your thin skin. You can’t afford the consequences!

Many friends of mothers also have menstrual anxiety. The department summarized the frequently asked questions, and found Dr. Xu Ling, who has been engaged in clinical work in obstetrics and gynecology for 25 years, and answered them one by one. !

8 Frequently Asked Questions


Can I have a baby with irregular periods?


Although menstruation is irregular, it also ovulates! As long as there is ovulation, it is possible to conceive a child, but the probability of pregnancy will be lower. Ovulation test strips can be used to detect ovulation before trying to conceive.

So if you want to get pregnant, you need to regulate your period first!


It was over, and it came back a week later?

This could be ovulation bleeding.

Bleeding is usually light and lasts a few hours or two or three days, which is normal.

But if this is the case for a long time, it may be caused by irregular menstruation. If it is related to endocrine disorders, abnormal ovarian function or other gynecological diseases, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for gynecological examinations.


After giving birth, the amount is small and the cycle is short, is it normal?

As long as you are still breastfeeding, irregular menstruation, more or less menstruation, is generally a normal phenomenon. After weaning, it is normal as long as the menstrual flow is not less than 5ml.


Is it okay to take estrogen for my menstrual flow?

Lack of menstrual flow is not always caused by insufficient estrogen. So don’t blindly supplement, it is recommended to check hormones on an empty stomach on the third day after the end of menstruation. The following three situations generally occur:

☛If the ovarian function is declining→For example, the menstrual flow gradually decreases during the perimenopausal period, and you can take some estrogen at this time.

☛If you have polycystic ovary syndrome→ your estrogen level is low, you can also supplement with estrogen.

☛There is also a case of low menstrual flow caused by intrauterine adhesions→The characteristic is that although the menstrual flow is small, it is relatively regular. At this time, hysteroscopy can be done to confirm the diagnosis and treatment, and then supplement estrogen and progesterone.


After giving birth, my menstrual period is like bleeding, what’s the matter?

It may be because the endometrial hyperplasia takes a long time before menstruation, and the endometrium thickens significantly. During menstruation, the speed of endometrial stripping is faster, and the menstrual flow will be more and more urgent. .

It is also possible that the uterine contractions are not good enough. At this time, pay attention to rest, moderate activities, avoid fatigue, keep warm, and continue to observe. If the bleeding is significantly reduced and your period lasts less than 8 days, you should be fine.

However, if you experience heavy bleeding, dizziness, nausea, pale complexion, cold sweats, drop in blood pressure and other symptoms in a short period of time, you should go to the gynecology or postpartum rehabilitation department in time.


It’s been 6 months since my baby was born, why isn’t my period coming?

When menstruation comes after giving birth varies from person to person! It is related to factors such as personal constitution, production method (natural delivery or cesarean section), whether breastfeeding, and the length of breastfeeding time.

Mstruation usually resumes around 6 weeks postpartum. Among them, about 2.4% of new mothers regained their menstrual flow within 6 weeks postpartum, 61.1% within 12 weeks postpartum, and 36.5% within 24 weeks postpartum.

In addition, I would also like to remind those mothers who are anxious to get back in shape after giving birth, don’t use the methods indiscriminately: diet, medicine, crazy exercise… don’t hurt your body again, the world No regret medicine, exercise and diet should be in moderation!


Menstrual color is dark and dark, is there a problem?

Generally, the color of the aunt is dark red. If it turns black or has color blocks, it may be caused by the following reasons:

1. The flow of menstrual blood is poor when the menstrual flow is small, and the accumulation of in the body will delay the discharge, and the iron-containing heme in the blood will be oxidized, and the color will turn black.

2. There are many other substances such as endometrial fragments mixed with menstruation, and less blood will make the color darker.

3. Endometrial damage, ovarian function and other problems, may also lead to less menstruation, and then darkening.

In addition to everyone’s perception that blood is bright red, the following five are also normal colors:

Also note: If the aunt turns black and the cycle is shortened and irregular at the same time, also need to consider whether there are ovarian and endocrine problems. Such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc., it is necessary to seek medical attention in time!


A problem with a blood clot during your period?

Blood clots generally appear on the days of heavy menstrual flow.

During menstruation, the body releases anticoagulant substances that allow menstrual blood to drain smoothly. When the amount of menstruation is large, the anticoagulant substances do not have time to work “overtime”, and the blood coagulates into blood clots.

If you have continuous heavy menstrual flow and blood stasis-like blood clots, you should go to the hospital for treatment in time.

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