Don’t take otitis media seriously, beware of developing tympanosclerosis

Because there are many pathogenic factors of otitis media, many people in life have suffered from otitis media, which is also a common disease, but don’t take otitis media as a minor disease, in fact, its harm Quite large, there will be many sequelae, tympanosclerosis is one of the many sequelae!

Tympanosclerosis refers to the calcification of the lamina propria of the middle ear mucosa, which is the result of chronic infection or inflammation of the middle ear mucosa and hardening of the deep fibrous tissue of the middle ear mucosa. Tympanosclerotic plaques are hyalinized tissue in the middle ear mucosal lamina propria and tympanic membrane tension. Middle ear mucosal hyaloid plaques are located between the bone wall and the mucosal layer, appear white, multi-layered, and can be several millimeters thick. These tympanosclerotic plaques subsequently undergo secondary ossification.

The symptoms of tympanosclerosis are mostly progressive hearing loss, some patients are accompanied by tinnitus, and most patients have a history of chronic otitis media. Tympanosclerosis is divided into two types: open type and closed type. Open otoscopy shows a central perforation of the tympanic membrane. The closed tympanic membrane has no perforation, and the tympanic membrane is often healed by atrophic scars, thickened and opaque, and flaky or island-like calcified plaques can also be seen on the tympanic membrane. The audiogram is mostly conductive hearing loss.

tympanosclerosis, there is no effective drug, conservative treatment is not effective. It is recommended to choose microsurgery, which can repair the tympanic membrane while cleaning the inflammatory and sclerotic lesions, improve the mobility of the auditory ossicles, and thus increase the sound conduction function. If tympanosclerosis persists for a long time and continues to develop, and the stapes floor is fixed, the risk of postoperative neurological deafness or recalcification will also increase accordingly. Then the hearing recovery after conventional microsurgery may not be ideal, and the hearing can be improved by wearing bone conduction hearing aids after surgery.

Tympanosclerosis is mostly caused by repeated and long-term attacks of tympanic inflammation, which may lead to irreversible and severe hearing loss. Therefore, a professional ENT hospital should be diagnosed at the early stage of the disease to avoid delays. treat.