Many women experience dizziness during pregnancy. For example, when some pregnant mothers are walking on the road, they suddenly feel flustered, short of breath, dizzy, and unable to stand still. Seriously, it will turn black in front of her eyes and faint directly to the ground.
What exactly is dizziness during pregnancy? Frequent dizziness, how to relieve it? How to prevent dizziness during pregnancy?
Why Dizziness During Pregnancy?
Dizziness during pregnancy can be divided into physiological dizziness, psychological dizziness and pathological dizziness according to the factors that induce dizziness Dizziness.
Physiological dizziness includes dizziness caused by morning sickness, orthostatic hypotension, etc.
∙Morning sickness
Most expecting mothers experience morning sickness early in pregnancy. It usually starts around 7 weeks gestation and disappears gradually after 12 weeks. However, there are also a small number of pregnant mothers who still experience morning sickness in the second trimester or even the third trimester.
Severe morning sickness can cause dizziness. This is because morning sickness may cause insufficient energy supply and insufficient body fluids in the body, which can induce adverse reactions such as hypoglycemia and nervous system, resulting in dizziness.
∙Orthostatic Hypotension
As the gestational age increases, a mother’s uterus will gradually increase. The enlarged uterus may compress the large blood vessels in the stomach. When the pregnant mother is lying on her back, standing for a long time, or suddenly changing her position, the large blood vessels are compressed, causing a sudden drop in blood pressure and dizziness.
Psychological dizziness is caused by changes in hormone levels in the body, rhythm of life, etc. of pregnant mothers, or because of worrying about the health of herself and the fetus, resulting in inability to eat, sleep well, mentally Excessive stress and anxiety can also lead to dizziness during pregnancy.
Pathological dizziness includes symptoms of dizziness caused by high blood pressure during pregnancy, diabetes, and other diseases of the body.
Some pregnant women have high blood pressure before pregnancy. Some pregnant women experience elevated blood pressure after pregnancy. When the blood pressure is too high, it may affect the cerebral blood vessels, resulting in cerebral edema, ischemia or congestion in the brain, thereby causing dizziness.
Some pregnant women have diabetes before pregnancy, while others develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy. In this case, if the pregnant mother does not regularly monitor blood sugar, resulting in high blood sugar, dizziness can also be induced.
∙Other diseases
There are also some pregnant mothers who have migraine, cervical spondylosis, heart disease and other problems before pregnancy, which can also cause dizziness.
How to relieve dizziness during pregnancy?
When a pregnant mother is dizzy, the first thing to do is to go to the hospital in time to determine the type of dizziness. If it is pathological dizziness, you should follow the doctor’s advice and actively cooperate with the treatment, so as not to aggravate the condition and endanger the safety of mother and baby.
In addition, pregnant mothers can relieve dizziness to a certain extent through some daily care. Here are 3 suggestions for you.
1. Get plenty of rest and get enough sleep.
Taking more rest can not only help pregnant mothers relax their bodies, but also reduce psychological pressure and effectively relieve dizziness.
2. Eat small meals frequently to supplement the nutrients and water your body needs.
A common cause of dizziness during pregnancy is low blood sugar. Eating small meals often can help pregnant mothers prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia. When pregnant mothers usually go to work or go out, they can carry some biscuits, fruits and other foods with them to prevent hypoglycemia.
At the same time, drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. At the same time, pregnant mothers with morning sickness should also pay attention not to drink too much water to avoid discomfort.
3. Exercise more, stay in a good mood
Doing proper exercise during pregnancy, such as walking, doing yoga, etc., can relieve the tension and anxiety of pregnant mothers, so as to achieve the effect of relieving dizziness.
However, it is important to note that pregnant mothers should not exercise too much. Excessive exercise can also cause dizziness. If you experience dizziness while exercising, stop exercising immediately, otherwise the dizziness will worsen.
How to prevent dizziness during pregnancy?
How can pregnant mothers prevent dizziness during pregnancy? Here we suggest that you can start from the following four aspects.
1. Reduce access to crowded public places
Public places with many people are generally noisy and have poor air. In this environment, it is easy to feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, causing dizziness. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant mothers avoid public places with many people as much as possible during pregnancy.
2. Adjust eating habits and move around appropriately after meals
As we mentioned earlier, severe morning sickness can also cause dizziness in pregnant mothers. In order to relieve morning sickness, pregnant mothers can make adjustments to their daily diet. When it comes to food, don’t be too strict, eat what you can eat. Take the principle of eating less and more meals, that is, do not eat too much each time, and you can divide the original amount of one meal into multiple meals.
After eating, do not sit or lie down immediately, but move around appropriately, and sit or lie down after the food is digested.
3. Try to be as gentle as possible during normal activities
During pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters, pregnant mothers should be as gentle as possible in their daily activities. Avoid sudden changes in body position or vigorous activities.
4. Identify the disease and actively monitor the treatment
If you find diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases that are easy to cause dizziness before or during pregnancy, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions for monitoring and treatment. It can avoid the dizziness caused by the disease without effective treatment.