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In recent months, the new crown pneumonia has been on the rise in our country, and people all over the country have been paying attention to the development of the epidemic. We must not underestimate the new crown pneumonia in our daily life. There are many precautions about the new crown pneumonia, everyone should know about it. The symptoms of new coronary pneumonia are similar to those of a cold. How can you prevent the new crown?

Precautions for the new crown

I. Popularize hygiene knowledge< /strong>

First of all, everyone must have a certain understanding of the new crown, and have knowledge about the basic knowledge of the new crown, avoid excessive panic, and also play a warning role, so as to avoid the spread of the virus. In life, everyone must protect themselves against hygiene and educate those around them about the changes and various changes of the new crown.

Second, improve personal fitness

If you want to fight against the virus, the first thing to do is to Improve your physique, usually maintain indoor gout and personal hygiene. When self-isolating at home, it is necessary to properly ventilate and maintain air exchange every day, which can reduce the invasion of viruses.

If you keep the windows closed for a long time, it is very likely to cause the breeding of viruses and bacteria. When you open the windows, you should also take protective measures to avoid catching a cold and a cold. Exercise should be done even at home, after sitting or lying down for a long time.

Third, keep a light diet

I will inevitably eat some fried and fried food at home, but in the current epidemic, it is necessary to maintain a light diet , try to eat some fruits and vegetables, can supplement the body’s vitamins, improve the body’s immunity.

Fourth, avoid crowded places

To avoid the infection of new coronary pneumonia, it is necessary to Need to go less or not to crowded places. Don’t stop by or go to public places. This type of virus has the characteristics of human-to-human transmission, and is easily transmitted through droplets, saliva or contact, resulting in the spread of the virus. So avoid going to crowded places. When you have to go out, you need to wear a mask for isolation.

Symptoms of the new crown

1. Dry cough. After the new coronavirus infection, it will have some effects on the respiratory tract and also affect the health of the lungs, so patients will have symptoms of coughing without sputum.

2. Difficulty breathing. The damage caused by the new coronavirus to the lungs is very large, which will affect the normal function of the lungs, and the lungs are a very important part of the respiratory system, so patients will gradually experience difficulty breathing, which is related to the One obvious difference between the common cold.