How do cancer cells metastasize step by step? Be prepared to defeat gastric cancer

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cancer cell Cells are extremely cunning. They grow fast, fall off easily, and grow to other parts with blood or lymph circulation. Therefore, tumor patients are prone to recurrence and metastasis.

Recurrence and metastasis of cancer is the top priority for most patients and their families. . And the secondary damage caused by the “explosion” is more powerful than the initial attack.

How cancer cells metastasize step by step?


In normal tissue, cells adhere to each other, like a family consisting of parents, Children, the previous generation, etc., are interdependent and have their own positions. Through this adhesion, the cells do not fall off and survive. However, cancer cells can secrete some enzymes that can degrade the extracellular matrix, so that even if they are not attached, they can still grow and proliferate, just like a person who has run away from home and can live at will.

2< span>Walking through walls

Cancer cells have improved motility and proliferation due to genetic changes , thereby invading adjacent tissues.Like the martial arts novels, this ability is not something that ordinary cells can do. It is now believed that people with this ability can Cancer cells are tumor stem cells or stem cell-like cells. After passing through walls, cancer cells have the potential to do whatever they want.

< path d="M58.6,9.5c-8.8,0-8.1-9-19.7-9">< /g>3 strong>Access to the vessel

This step is critical. Once cancer cells are able to enter the blood vessels, it is like a bad guy on a plane and can commit crimes anywhere in the world. Of course, after cancer cells penetrate blood vessels, they must be able to resist the elimination of human body guards (such as T lymphocytes) before they can safely reach the target organs.


After reaching the target organ (such as lung bone, etc.), a dock is required to go ashore. After the cancer cells land, they first attach to the blood vessel wall, then secrete metalloproteinases, and then pass through the blood vessels to settle in the place where they intend to settle. But so far it has not been able to form a lethal metastatic lesion.

The detection of cancer cells in the blood vessels does not mean that the cancer has metastasized, because the cancer cells cannot settle down or land, and the metastases cannot be formed. These cancer cells that cannot settle will eventually die or be killed by body guards.

g> 5angiogenesis

until cancer cells secrete angiogenic factors that allow Tumor angiogenesis provides sufficient nutrients, and the metastases can grow twice as long.

< /path>6Development of metastases

These successfully landed tumor stem cells with the ability to renew and reproduce will still need to go through some efforts, and Bad molecules already on the shore collude with each other and then eventually multiply to form metastases. And inflammatory cells are one of those bad molecules.

In conclusion, metastasis includes cell adhesion, cancer cell motility, cancer cell proliferation, extracellular matrix, body immunity, tumor angiogenesis strong> and other links.

What are the signs of recurrence?

Brain and Bone Metastases >

When patients have unexplainedheadaches, vomiting, visual disturbances, and changes in personality and temperament Tenderness, mobility impairment, pathological fractures.

pulmonary metastasis and pleural metastasis<600"> /strong>

Starting asymptomatic, when the metastasis is large or the accumulation is extensive cough and dyspnea, hemoptysis, chest pain, etc. may occur, and a few may manifest as cancerous lymphadenitis, even if tumor cells spread to the lung along blood vessels and peribronchial and pleural and lymphatic ducts. The main symptom of this type of lung metastases is dyspnea, often accompanied by severe hypoxemia and dyspnea, and the prognosis is poor.


Gastric cancer with high incidence of peritoneal metastasis and death from advanced gastric cancer One of the main reasons. If latestage gastric cancer develops peritoneal metastasis, it may eventually appear< /span>Refractory cancerous ascites, intestinal obstruction, cachexia and other serious conditions.

Liver metastasis p>

Liver is the main organ for gastric cancer cell metastasis,liver metastasesthe main clinical symptoms are:Liver discomfort, jaundice, diarrhea< /span>, etc., generally without gastrointestinal symptoms. Imaging examinations are often multiple lesions, scattered in a circular shape, with clear borders. (If it is metastasis, it is often not accompanied by chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, and if it is primary liver cancer, it is often not accompanied bySymptoms of hepatitis and cirrhosis. )

How to determine if there is a recurrence Or transfer?

Mainly through imaging, distant organs such as liver are found through CT , spleen and even bone metastases. Of course, bone metastases in the whole body are mainly detected by bone scan or the more expensive PET/CT< /strong>. Brain metastases can be detected by brain MRI, and of course other methods, by palpating the superficial lymph nodes.


1. I found that the tumor markers were elevated, did it recur?


Be vigilant and observe its development trend. However, determination of tumor recurrence is mainly based on imaging results to see if there is any problem with imaging, and simple tumor markers are only for reference.


2. The bone scan results are normal and nothing happened, but I feel pain in the sternum and ribs. What’s the matter?


Sternal pain In addition to bone metastases, for example, postoperative intercostal nerve injury can cause rib pain or sternum pain.

What if there is recurrence and metastasis?

Develop a treatment plan as soon as possible

Can recurrence and metastasis still be operated?

If other organs in the body are excluded Under the premise of metastases, re-operation can be considered based on the evaluation of the different conditions of the patient.At this time, it depends on the number of recurrent foci, the location of the recurrent foci, etc.< /span>

What are the treatments other than surgery

①According to the different types of patients, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy will also be performed.

< p>②Traditional Chinese medicine adjuvant therapy should be carried out under the guidance of expert doctors.

datatype How to do prevention work?


review periodically

In general, after initial treatment:

  • Post 2 Years, generally every 3 months;

  • 3~5 years after operation, follow-up every 6 months;

  • More than 5 years after surgery: follow up every 1 year until life.

During the review, the doctor will inquire about the medical history in detail and do physical examination, imaging examination, blood routine, tumor markers, cavity Microscopic cytology, tissue biopsy and other tests, when symptoms appear, corresponding chest and abdomen CT, cranial CT or MRI, bone scan, etc. should be performed.


Cancer patients after treatment due to their own conditions and other Because of the reasons, complications or other symptoms will occur, therefore, regular review should not be ignored and should be paid great attention.


Avoid Colds

< span>Postoperative care of cancer patients should pay attention to reducing the chance of catching a cold, and pay more attention to prevention. Patients with allergic rhinitis, do not put flowers at home, try not to go to the park to enjoy flowers, to prevent pollen from irritating the respiratory tract and causing allergic reactions.

Minimize going out during the epidemic, and take protective measures when going out to prevent infection.


Scientific Diet

< span>Maintain a normal diet and do not avoid food. All kinds of food can be eaten as long as it is light, fresh, nutritious and easy to digest. Smoking and drinking are the most basic items in the postoperative care of cancer patients.


Psychological Adjustment

< span>Because the pathogenesis of cancer is multi-faceted, the quality of emotions will affect the treatment and prognosis, so it is extremely important for patients to self-regulate.

Patients will have many negative and pessimistic emotions. They should listen to soothing music appropriately to relax the body and mind, communicate with others more, and improve the atmosphere of life. Overjoyed and other excitement and fatigue. As long as we fully and correctly understand the disease, understand the disease, and face the reality, we can actively cooperate with the doctor and maximize the best recovery effect.

Editor in charge: Mijian Science

Cover Image source: draft design

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