Give up forbearance, in order to stay away from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, I believe everyone is familiar with it, its incidence is getting higher and higher, as the saying goes, “ten people nine hemorrhoids”, the most common symptom is anal swelling With the progress of the disease, there will also be prolapse of the tumor, pain in anal bulge, and itching in the anus. For hemorrhoids, many people adopt a forbearance method in the early stage of the disease, and do not think of seeking medical treatment until it seriously affects their life. Some people have not treated the symptoms because of fear of surgery. This is actually wrong. So, what are the dangers of hemorrhoids? Is surgery really that painful? Today, Qian Zhengjun, director of the Anorectal Department of Nantong Sixth People’s Hospital (Nantong Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University), is here to answer your questions.

Hemorrhoids are very harmful, don’t underestimate them

Hemorrhoids are not serious diseases in themselves, but if they are not diagnosed and treated in time, rectal prolapse, incarceration, and even necrosis may occur in severe cases. and systemic infection, life-threatening. In many cases, other anorectal diseases such as anal fissures and anal fistulas will also occur. Once multiple diseases coexist, it will not only bring difficulties to treatment, but also slow recovery.

Blood in the stool is a typical feature of hemorrhoids, but if the bleeding is repeated for a long time, it will lead to iron-deficiency anemia, gradually appear pale, lethargic, loss of appetite and other symptoms, and even cause syncope when the bleeding is severe and shock. Pregnant women, as a high-risk group of hemorrhoids, need special attention. Long-term anemia will affect the normal development of the fetus, and even lead to premature birth or stillbirth.

In addition, although hemorrhoids are not directly related to rectal cancer, the location of hemorrhoids and rectal cancer is similar. Many rectal cancer cases are mistaken for hemorrhoids in the early stage, which is not paid attention to, and it is easy to delay the best treatment. time.

Minimally invasive removal of hemorrhoids, surgery is not scary

“Doctor, I have had hemorrhoids for many years, and I also want to undergo surgery, but I am afraid of the pain, so I have been procrastinating.” This is actually It is also a concern for most hemorrhoid patients.

In fact, surgical treatment should be considered for internal hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids of degree II and above, and conservative treatment or improvement of living habits can be used for the rest. At present, “minimally invasive surgery” is the trend, surgery is not so scary, and the external stripping and internal ligation of hemorrhoids are all minimally invasive. The incision is linear, and the skin bridge is well preserved, which can protect the normal function of the anus to the greatest extent. It is not only less painful and less edema after surgery, but also recovers quickly. Two days ago, a patient with mixed hemorrhoids underwent “external incision and internal ligation of mixed hemorrhoids + rectal mucosal ligation”, and was discharged on the second day after the operation.

For annular mixed hemorrhoids, PPH or TST minimally invasive surgery can also be used at present. Generally, it only takes 3 to 5 days to stay in the hospital. There is no need to change dressings and pain after surgery. Normal bowel movements and eating.

Having said so much, I finally remind the majority of patients with anorectal diseases to give up forbearance, face the disease, and seek medical treatment in time.

Qian Zhengjun, Department of Anorectology, Nantong Sixth Hospital