Fatty liver to liver cancer only needs 4 steps, 4 strokes to get rid of fatty liver

For medical professionals only

If you have fatty liver, don’t delay it!

Many people’s physical examination reports have the word “fatty liver” written all of a sudden, but because there are usually no symptoms, most of them don’t take it seriously.

Some people think that it will be natural to lose weight in the future, so after delaying it, the seeds of danger have been planted since then!

Fatty liver to liver cancer in just 4 steps

The excessive accumulation of fat in the liver can easily induce hepatitis, swelling of liver cells, infiltration of inflammatory cells, and destruction of the normal hepatic lobular structure. It may develop into liver cirrhosis or even liver cancer in the future.

Simply put, there are only 4 steps from fatty liver to liver cancer: fatty liver → steatohepatitis → fatty liver fibrosis → fatty liver cirrhosis → liver cancer.

Although simple fatty liver has a low risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer, the occurrence of the following two conditions will increase the incidence of liver cancer!

① Fatty liver has affected the liver function, and the transaminase has been elevated many times during physical examinations, and it is not treated in time.

② People with hypertension, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, the elderly, and severely obese people are high-risk groups. If there is also a combination of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other diseases, the incidence of liver cancer will increase.

In addition, fatty liver can also cause metabolic abnormalities such as blood sugar, blood lipids, uric acid, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hyperuricemia, and kidney disease. One after another.

Therefore, mild fatty liver is not terrible, but if left unchecked, it will eventually develop into a situation beyond our control.

4 cognitive myths that make fatty liver worse

Fatty liver is caused by eating too much fat

That’s not the case, although fatty liver sounds like a disease caused by excess oil intake. But in fact, alcohol, malnutrition, vegetarian food, excessive weight loss, diabetes, etc. may induce fatty liver.

Alcohol-induced fatty liver becomes alcoholic fatty liver, and the basic treatment plan is to stop drinking.

Natural nutrition, vegetarian diets, and excessive weight loss lead to deficiencies of key nutrients, such as choline deficiency, leading to dystrophic fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver disease caused by obesity, diabetes and a sedentary lifestyle is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and is the most common type of fatty liver.

Fat is metabolized in the liver. When there is a problem in any link in the metabolism, fat may accumulate in the liver cells. Excessive intake of fat is only one of the reasons.

Therefore, it is important to identify the cause of fatty liver before a targeted treatment plan can be developed.

Diet but not drink

Some people are diagnosed with fatty liver, and their first reaction is to eat lightly, without considering alcohol at all. In fact, his biggest problem is not necessarily the food, but the wine.

After drinking, alcohol enters the human body and needs to be processed by the liver first, and a large amount of alcohol decomposition products are obviously toxic to liver cells. Early liver damage may manifest as alcoholic fatty liver, commonly known as alcoholic liver.

Both chronic and short-term binge drinking can be dangerous. Continued alcohol damage can also lead to alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, abnormal liver function, etc. The risk of liver cancer is also higher than that of ordinary people.

For those who drink a lot and have fatty liver, stop drinking first!

Want to diet to slim down the liver

Some people say, “I was diagnosed with fatty liver, and the doctor told me to control my diet, so I should just go on a diet for a while, and then eat when I get better.” This is a big mistake. .

Excessive dieting and partial eclipse will lead to a serious lack of internal calorie intake and lower blood sugar. The human body will use the fat and protein stored in other parts and convert it into energy (glucose), resulting in an increase in free fatty acids in serum.

Large amounts of fatty acids are released from adipose tissue into the liver, eventually leading to the accumulation of fat in the liver and aggravating fatty liver.

Weight control is an effective way to prevent and reverse fatty liver disease, but excessive dieting and weight loss can worsen the condition.

Too lazy to move, eat some health supplements, liver protection drugs to control fatty liver

Some people are diagnosed with fatty liver and buy liver-protecting medicines, while others buy health supplements.

The role of hepatoprotective drugs in the prevention and treatment of fatty liver is still controversial. At present, it is not recommended for patients to routinely use such drugs, and it is even more inadvisable to purchase and take them by themselves.

Health products cannot cure diseases, and health products with unknown formula may increase the burden on the liver, cause damage to liver function, and make the disease more serious.

There are no shortcuts to prevent and control fatty liver. You must adhere to a controlled diet and moderate exercise.

Know 4 points to get rid of fatty liver easily

1. Simple mild fatty liver, control calorie intake on the one hand, and increase physical exercise on the other hand.

Control calories, eat two meals a day, plus one meal of fruit, every meal is enough to be full for at least three months.

Eat less high-fat, high-sugar, and high-fat foods, eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as grains, high-fiber vegetables, and eat more green vegetables, which can not only supplement nutrition, but also keep you full. A strong abdominal sensation can also reduce the metabolic burden on the body.

Adhere to 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, preferably with increased heart rate and slight sweating, such as swimming, running, brisk walking, table tennis, etc. Exercise should be carried out step by step to strengthen the body’s fat consumption, rather than short-term strenuous exercise.

Generally, a BMI reduction of at least 5% can reduce liver fat content; a 5%-10% reduction can reduce liver inflammation.

2. For moderate and severe fatty liver, on the basis of calorie control and increased exercise, doctors often prescribe some medicines according to the patient’s specific conditions to treat the combined glucose and lipid metabolism disorder. and arteriosclerosis treatment.

3. Antioxidants may be used cautiously in patients with established nonalcoholic steatohepatitis(eg, vitamin E) , pioglitazone(patients with diabetes) and other drugs.

4. For patients who have been diagnosed with fatty liver, it is recommended to have an examination every six months, including: ultrasound examination, liver function, blood routine, liver elasticity, blood lipids, blood sugar, etc. Liver health and other possible metabolic disturbances.

Fatty liver can be reversed. What we lack in the treatment of fatty liver is not the method, but the determination to persevere! When we allow fatty liver to develop into cirrhosis, it is very difficult for us to control it. Therefore, the treatment of fatty liver should act as soon as possible!

Where can I find more clinical knowledge about digestive and liver diseases?

Come and take a look at”Doctor’s Station

Source of this article: Jingyitong

Reviewer: Zhang Jing, Department of Hepatology, Beijing You’an Hospital

Editor in charge: Wen Jiaxin

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