Exclusive | Dr. Zhang Qiang plans to close the first offline clinic

Cut down heavy assets is a strategic adjustment aimed at reallocating funds

Writing | Yan Xiaoliu

Source | “Medical Community” Public Account

On October 11, Zhang Qiang, founder of Dr. Zhang Qiang Group, told the “medical community”, “We are considering not to renew the lease of the offline center in Hangzhou.”

Hangzhou Sijun Surgical Clinic, officially opened in September 2017, covers an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters. It is a chain clinic brand invested, managed and operated by Dr. Zhang Qiang Group. It is also the first offline entity deployed by the group in China, and was once regarded as one of the samples of doctors starting a business and landing offline.

Dr. Zhang Qiang Group, established in July 2014, has always attracted social attention as “the first doctor group in China”. Zhang Qiang once said that he introduced the term “doctor group” into China. Since then, under the background of the reform of the medical system, more and more doctors have begun to practice in multiple locations, and doctor groups have emerged as a new practice method. According to the company’s data, there are about 2,000 companies with the word “doctor group” in their names.

“The first offline institution is our ‘eldest son’, and high expectations are placed on it, but there may be problems such as excessive investment, large scale, and low use space, so the operating efficiency is relatively low. Low. Cutting off such heavy assets is a strategic adjustment aimed at redistributing funds.” Zhang Qiang said that the new crown epidemic is also one of the reasons for the accelerated adjustment of the group recently.

He further pointed out that at this stage, medical institutions, both public and private, are facing many operational pressures. The factors that cause this situation include the decline in the flow of people and fewer patients from other provinces and cities; medical staff participating in the fight against the epidemic or being statically managed, and medical supplies are limited;

At the same time when Zhang Qiang talked about the above issues, Shenzhen Yihejia Clinic has announced the official closure of operations, which is the first offline clinic of Yihe Health. At present, Yihe’s other three comprehensive outpatient clinics in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Chengdu are still in operation.

As a maternal and child health service platform, Yihe Health is committed to providing professional, reliable and high-quality maternal and child health management solutions. The company’s official website shows that the platform has gathered more than 700 senior doctors at home and abroad to provide services to millions of users.

The closure of Yihe’s outpatient clinics may also be related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the specialty nature of pediatrics. Yihe Health wrote in the official announcement: “As a pediatric-based outpatient clinic, we have been unable to receive fever and ten symptoms in the past three years.”

According to the relevant plans for the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, there are “ten symptoms” of new coronary pneumonia, including fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, decreased sense of smell (taste), nasal congestion, runny nose, Conjunctivitis, myalgia and diarrhea all require medical attention at designated institutions.

Zhuozheng Medical’s partner doctor, Shenzhen and Wuhan regional director Yu Jinquan told the “medical community” that under normal circumstances, children’s medical care is still scarce and just needed, so it is a good track. It is not difficult to obtain clientele for quality pediatric institutions. However, under certain circumstances, institutions with strong paediatric genes are more vulnerable and will face more challenges in operation.

In Zhang Qiang’s view, Yihe’s current choice is “very similar” to that of Dr. Zhang Qiang Group, both to seek a better business model.

“Business adjustment does not mean that the company can’t do it.” Zhang Qiang said that Dr. Zhang Qiang Group is negotiating with local medical institutions to carry out light asset cooperation and undertake local medical services. In layman’s terms, local institutions provide hardware, and the group provides “software” such as medical technology.

“I agree with Dr. Zhang Qiang’s view. The adjustment of offline business does not mean that the funds are exhausted.” Yu Jinquan said.

Taking Yihe as an example, in addition to offline outpatient clinics, a large part of its core business scenarios are online. According to the data, at the beginning of its establishment, Yihe was positioned as an “online health management company”, providing paid maternal and child health consulting services and live broadcasts of popular science.

Yu Jinquan said that when he heard the news that Yihe’s first outpatient clinic was closed, he felt a little uncomfortable. “This year may be harder, and it’s mostly about confidence. I’d much rather see the industry thrive and my peers get better and better.”

Actually, the offline institutions of Dr. Zhang Qiang Group in Xiamen and other places will open one after another, but they will all adopt an asset-light cooperation model. Zhang Qiang has confidence in the various active adjustments made by the doctor group. He said, “Our doctors are located in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Even if local static management occurs, we can deploy manpower in time to provide support.”


[1] After leaving the system for 6 years, what did the doctor V “Grandma Pei” experience? .Health Industry

[2]Jiajia, goodbye. Yihe Medical

Source: Medicine

Proofreading: Zang Hengjia

Editor in charge: Tian Dongliang

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