Eating moldy corn every day, woman died of liver cancer, doctor: often eating like this is harmful to the body

Corn is a very good food. After eating corn, it can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, but also fill the stomach. Because corn is very satiety,is also popular among people who want to lose weight. But recently, some people have liver cancer caused by eating corn, and also lead to the loss of young lives.

Ms. Li lives in a poor family and has been living in the countryside. The two husband and wife have been relying on farming to support a family of six. The family grows the most every year. corn. Every year when the corn harvest season comes, they will collect the corn and pick it up to sell at the market. When the corn is harvested, the yield is very large. It is inevitable that there will be unsold or broken corn, and Ms. Li will not sell all the corn. The good corn is eaten by the children and the elderly, and myself eat the bad corn.

Because Ms. Li ate bad corn for a long time to induce liver cancer, plus Ms. Li was reluctant to spend money. She usually had an uncomfortable resistance and passed it. Later, she really couldn’t make it, and it was too late when she was sent to the hospital by her family. The doctor told the family that he had advanced liver cancer, and Ms. Li passed away not long after.

In real life, there are many poor rural people like Ms. Li. There is too much corn during the bumper harvest. They will try to save the corn. Up, it will inevitably be broken for a long time, but reluctant to throw it away, and will often eat these broken corns. So why did Ms. Li eat bad corn cause liver cancer?

First, eating corn like this can nourish the liver and protect the liver

Eat corn Can prevent liver cancer. Corn is an ideal anti-cancer food. Corn is rich in selenium, magnesium, glutathione, lysine, carotene and other nutrients, which can Effectively play a role in resisting liver cancer.

1. Corn is rich in selenium

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and an anti-cancer trace element recognized by WHO. The rich selenium in corn can accelerate the decomposition of free radicals in the body, so that cancer cells in the human liver cannot get sufficient supply of molecular oxygen. Eating corn can also continuously provide nutrients for healthy cells, and the vitality of healthy cells in the human liver is enhanced and cancer cells are inhibited. Therefore, eating corn can effectively prevent liver cancer.

2. Corn is rich in magnesium

Corn is also rich in magnesium, which magnesium can effectively prevent cancer invasion.Therefore, eating corn can prevent cancer in the liver The effect is very large. Not only magnesium and selenium in corn can effectively prevent liver cancer, but also carotene and fiber in corn have obvious effects on inhibiting liver cancer.

Secondly, if you eat corn like this, your liver can’t stand the iron.

Eat corn to nourish the liver and protect the liver can effectively prevent liver cancer.But long-term consumption of moldy corn can induce liver cancer. So eating corn can prevent liver cancer, which means that eating fresh corn can prevent liver cancer, not moldy corn. Moldy corn is very harmful after eating, and everyone must bear in mind. The following will explain in detail the factors that eat moldy corn to induce liver cancer:

1. Fumonisin in moldy corn


Fumonisin is a carcinogenicEating this element into the body by eating moldy corn is very harmful. Fumonisin can induce liver cancer, intestinal cancer, gastric cancer and other cancers in the human body. Fumonisins widely exist in corn and its products, posing a potential threat to human health and the development of animal husbandry.

Experiments have shown that too much fumonisin is hidden in animals, which is very harmful to the liver, and some experimental mice will appear Liver cirrhosis, and some experimental mice will develop hepatocellular tumors. And experimental mice contain too much fumonisin, and the mortality rate is as high as 95%.

2, Aflatoxin

Aflatoxin can seriously endanger human health and induce liver cancer.. Aflatoxins are associated with fumonisins, and the two toxins are often found together in moldy corn or other moldy foods.

Fumonisin is already a serious danger to human health. If aflatoxin is added, That’s really poisonous and poisonous. Especially in the fragile liver, cancer rates are very high. Therefore, for the health of yourself and your family, you must eat less moldy corn or other moldy foods.

3. Zearalenone

< span>Zaralenone is also a recognized carcinogen, and its carcinogenic level is very high, a class 3 carcinogen. Frequently eating moldy corn is equivalent to continuously delivering the activation inducement – zearalenone to cancer cells in the body. When the content of zearalenone in the body continues to increase, the cancer cells in the body will become It will wake up, induce liver cancer, lung cancer, intestinal cancer, etc., and continue to endanger human health.

Reports show that zearalenone not only induces cancer, but also affects reproduction. function seriously. There was also a news report “A man was sterile after eating moldy corn for a long time.” So for your own health, be sure to eat less moldy corn or other moldy foods.

Though thrift is a good traditional virtue of the Chinese nation,but don’t blindly thrift. On the premise of ensuring food safety and harmless to the body, we must talk about frugality. This is a healthy and frugal way. Those who are thrifty under the banner of frugality, even if they are not willing to throw away moldy and spoiled food, are tantamount to chronic suicide. So how can we be both healthy and frugal in our daily lives?

Third, it saves money and is healthy

1. Don’t eat black and bitter food

Moldy food has a certain bitter taste, and severely moldy food will also stain A thick black. While not all moldy foods can cause aflatoxin, fumonisin, or zearalenone, mold foods can cause different toxins strong>. People eat moldy food, many people will have diarrhea, long-term diarrhea can not be relieved, it may cause other diseases.

And long-term consumption of moldy, blackened foods may cause cancer. Moldy corn is a very carcinogenic food. So for your own health, must eat less moldy and blackened food.

2, Small sticky fresh corn strong>

Nowadays, the corn that people eat is basically bought from major markets. A lot of corn has been picked and sold at the terminal, and then bought by customers for home consumption. It has been a long time. Temperatures are also very high during the corn harvest season, which is perfect for microbial blooms.

The corn that breeds a lot of bacteria has not been eaten for more than 6 hours after being cooked. It is very good when you have time to eat it. May be sour and sticky. If the corn you bought in the wet market is sour and sticky, it may be that a large number of bacteria have grown on the corn, and such corn must be less Eat or not eat at all.

Not only corn, but many other foods will have a certain sticky feeling after being moldy or broken, and some will also have a certain stench. . So it is recommended not to eat sticky and smelly food.

3. Buy less and buy more

Many people like to buy, buy and buy. Once they buy it, they can’t stop buying it. When they check out, they realize that they have bought too much. In addition to being a little distressed about money, they often buy too much and can’t finish it all. . People will put these purchased ingredients in the refrigerator. Although some ingredients will not go bad for a day or two, some will look fresh in the refrigerator for a week.But these ingredients are actually It has begun to deteriorate and rot.

However, many people are reluctant to throw them away, and keep them in the refrigerator to cause bacteria in the ingredients, and some bacteria will climb to the point where they just bought it. Fresh ingredients come back. People continue to eat the ingredients in the refrigerator, which leads to the continuous growth of harmful bacteria in the body, which is seriously harmful to health.

And storing them at home is prone to mildew, and many people are reluctant to throw them away, especially the elderly. They will remove the bad part of a moldy and spoiled ingredient, then wash and cook the other good parts and continue to eat. As everyone knows, toxic bacteria have been infected in good places. Long-term consumption of these ingredients will seriously endanger health.

If you want to be frugal, we recommend that everyone develop good shopping habits and buy less frequently. Now that the economy is developed, there are a lot of fresh ingredients every day, so there is no need to store too many ingredients at one time. Don’t endanger your own health for the sake of thrift. Eating moldy food for a long time will induce liver cancer. Liver cancer is quite harmful to the body.

Fourth, the body should be alert to liver cancer, which is very harmful

Many Diseases are self-testing, because when the body has these symptoms, it means that you have a certain disease. Liver cancer is dangerous, and you must pay attention to these symptoms:

1. Dark complexion p>

In the past, we often saw certain episodes on TV, and often the master said to someone that Yintang was black, which was a bad omen. In fact, people are not talking about the masters. Now that science and medicine are developing together, the complexion of normal people is generally radiant, rosy and lustrous. Generally, it means that the body may hide a certain disease.

and liver cancer is a Diseases that seriously affect the complexion, liver cancer patients often have dull complexion, rough skin, and often accompanied by severe dark circles under the eyes.People who often turn black and don’t get better after a period of recuperation must go to the hospital for examination in time to prevent liver cancer from endangering their health.

2. No appetite

The liver is the largest digestive organ in the human body.< span>Most of the digestive work of the human body is completed by the liver. Therefore, the liver plays a very important role in the human body. The quality of the liver directly determines the appetite of the human body.

Liver cancer can seriously affect appetite.After suffering from liver cancer, digestion will be very slow, because the food that is often eaten is difficult to digest, so it often leads to a feeling of fullness , so many patients with liver cancer do not like to eat. So when you have a long-term lack of appetite, you must go to the hospital for examination in time. If you find that you have liver cancer, you must treat it in time.

3. Jaundice

Generally, newborns have not been irradiated for a long time Sunlight can easily induce jaundice. This kind of jaundice can generally be recovered quickly by exposure to sunlight or medical treatment . But if many adults suddenly develop jaundice, this jaundice causesyellowish skin and even eyeballs, and when the sun does not heal, they should go to the hospital Check whether it is pathological jaundice caused by liver cancer.

4. Fatigue

somewhat When the cold is severe, there will be fatigue and exhaustion, not to mention the fatal liver cancer. Patients with liver cancer will experience general weakness.This weakness is often manifested as being unable to sleep when sleeping and wanting to sleep when awake. Exhausted all over. If you often have this phenomenon, you should be alert to the danger of liver cancer to your health. We must achieve early detection, early treatment and early health.

The liver is very important to us, and if there is only one liver, the consequences will be disastrous. It’s almost summer, and it is very important to protect the liver and protect the liver, prevent liver cancer.

5. To nourish the liver in summer, eat less of these foods

1. Don’t eat overnight meals

The economic conditions are better, and cooking at home will not be so restrained, Many people will fry a few more dishes, so the general meal is not finished. Due to the good habit of thrift and housekeeping left by the ancestors, many people are very reluctant to throw away these unfinished leftovers, so many will save it for tomorrow. Experts say: Even if leftovers are placed in the refrigerator overnight, it is not easy to store, and it is easy to breed bacteria.

We mentioned above that moldy corn produces a lot of aflatoxin, which is also found in many moldy foods . If the food in the refrigerator is moldy, the aflatoxin may crawl onto the fresh ingredients. After people eat the food in the refrigerator, it is easy to induce liver cancer.

so it is recommended that you do not eat overnight dishes, even if you sometimes eat overnight dishes Also reheat before eating. The refrigerator should also be cleaned and disinfected regularly. In order to avoid waste, you can cook in moderation at night.

2. Eat less fried food

Everything can be fried and everything can be hot. Fried food is very crunchy and refreshing and can be dipped in sauce and dusted with flour, which is particularly crisp and refreshing. However, due to the high calorie and fat content of fried foods, excessive consumption of fried foods can easily increase the burden on the liver. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone eat a light diet and eat less or no fried food. Beware of excessive consumption of fried foods to induce liver cancer.

Excessive consumption of fried foods may cause other cancers in addition to liver cancer. The reason why fried foods cause cancer is also that these fried oils are often unhealthy oils that are repeatedly fried. These oils can cause carcinogens when repeatedly fried.So be sure to eat less Fried food. Even if you want to eat it, you can fry it at home. Don’t go to the roadside stalls to eat these fried foods.


Eat fresh corn for liver care Liver, eating moldy corn is harmful to health. Moldy corn contains fumonisin, aflatoxin, zearalenone and other toxins that cause liver cancer, so moldy corn or moldy food must not be eaten. Chinese people have the good habit of thrift, but don’t blindly thrift because of saving money.Bad food or moldy food must be thrown away and not eaten again. If you really want to save money, buy less and buy more.

Liver cancer is dangerous and can be fatal. If you have dark complexion, loss of appetite, high jaundice, or general weakness in daily life, you must be alert to the danger of liver cancer. Don’t panic too much when you have liver cancer, you must go to a regular hospital for regular treatment in time.