Dry lychee, cool watermelon, and eat fruit

[Source: Health News]

The hot summer weather makes people feel dizzy Sleepiness, combined with profuse sweating can easily make one’s mouth dry and thirsty, so sweet and juicy fruits rich in various vitamins and minerals have become a summer health treat. However, it is also important to eat fruit. Luo Wenfeng, the director of the Department of Dermatology of Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out that every summer, many patients who come to the hospital to see a doctor because of eating fruit improperly are admitted. The general principle of eating fruits in summer is to choose suitable fruits according to your physical condition. You should not eat too much, and use the properties of different fruits to match them skillfully. You can not only enjoy the delicious food, but also nourish the body and avoid the occurrence of “fruit disease”.

Fruits are also divided into cold, hot, warm and cool

Chinese medicine believes that the nature and taste of fruits can be roughly divided into three categories: cold, warm, and peaceful.

Cold fruits:Cold fruits are very common in summer, such as watermelon, mangosteen, cantaloupe, pear, kiwi, grapefruit, banana, persimmon, plum, loquat, Cantaloupe etc. People who are prone to indigestion, loose stools, dysmenorrhea, chills and aversion to cold, body fat and less movement, and clear and long urination should not eat more cold fruits, while those with a hot constitution You can eat more of these fruits.

Hot fruits: Hot fruits include lychees, durians, mangoes, pineapples, cherries, longan, pomegranates, etc. Guangdong folks have “one lychee three fires” “One durian three chickens” as the saying goes, those who often suffer from sore throat, stomach fire and toothache, boils and sores, headache, insomnia, constipation and other symptoms, as well as people who are irritable and irritable, should eat less warm fruits , people with deficient constitution can eat more to nourish the body.

Peaceful fruits:These fruits are sweet and flat, neither cold nor hot, such as peach, apple, grape, coconut, hawthorn, papaya, etc. People with a real heat constitution can eat in moderation without worrying about the “comparison” between the fruity taste and their body constitution. Among them, peach can be said to be suitable for young and old, with the effect of invigorating the middle and replenishing qi, nourishing yin and promoting body fluid, and moistening the intestines and laxatives.

It is worth noting that the weather is hot in summer. Even people with a balanced yin and yang constitution can easily get angry by eating too many warm fruits in this season. Those who are feverish or have symptoms of infection should Avoid eating as much as possible. If you live in a cool air-conditioned environment for a long time, you can’t eat too many cold fruits.

Eat fruit to be cleverly matched

Using the different attributes of fruit to match cleverly can prevent ” The occurrence of fruit disease. For example, in Southeast Asia, people regard durian and mangosteen as “husband and wife fruit”, they are known as “fruit king” and “fruit queen”. Fire, eating a few mangosteen can relieve its symptoms of getting angry, balance the cold and heat, and protect the body from damage.

Hot fruits like lychees, pineapples, and mangoes also have a way to overcome their heat to enjoy their delicious taste. For example, when eating lychees, you can peel them, immerse them in light salt water, and then put them in the freezer to cool before eating; when eating pineapples, you can also cook them in the same way. Mango can be gargled with light salt water after eating, and the light salt water itself can clear heat, which can prevent anger and allergic symptoms caused by hot fruits. In addition, you can also drink some cold mung bean water to overcome its heat.

It should be noted that no matter which kind of fruit is eaten in excess, it will have adverse effects on health.

Source: Senior Health News

Text: Xuan Yingyan, Department of Dermatology, Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province

Planning: Wang Juncong

Editor : Yang Zhenyu Chen Xiuchao

Proofreading: Ma Yang

Review: Xu Bingnan Yan Yan

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