Drinking milk is good for your health. How much do you know about these rumors? Come check yourself

When it comes to milk, many people should drink milk every day. Many people should know that drinking milk can supplement calcium for the body, which is good for the body. Because milk is rich in protein, vitamins and calcium that everyone likes. Milk is often referred to as a nutritional product. When visiting relatives and friends, everyone will bring two cartons of milk. How much milk should be drunk and how many times a day should be drunk, these questions are questions that everyone has always been curious about, and there have always been some “rumors” about these issues, causing everyone to have some misunderstandings about drinking milk.

I. Is it better to drink milk in the morning or at night

Some people think that drinking milk in the morning is better, it can replenish energy for the body, And drinking milk in the morning helps the body to absorb and provide full energy for the day, while some people think that drinking milk at night is good, it can help people sleep, and it can have a soothing effect. In fact, whether you drink milk during the day or at night, the nutritional value of milk will not be affected, and they all have the same nutritional value. You can usually choose the time to drink milk according to your personal habits. But what people say is somewhat reasonable. Drinking milk in the morning can provide energy to the body, and drinking milk at night can help you sleep. People who often suffer from insomnia can drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed.

Second, whether washing face with milk can whiten the skin

Many people have heard that washing face with milk can whiten the skin, and then start using it every day. Milk face wash, but after a period of insistence found that there is not much effect. Milk cannot achieve the effect of whitening the skin. In addition to the water that can be absorbed by the skin, most of the protein in milk cannot be directly absorbed by the skin and cannot have a whitening effect. Usually skin whitening is done by inhibiting melanin, and washing your face with milk does not have this effect. At the same time, when washing your face or applying it with milk, it is best to wash your face. If it is not completely washed, the milk may clog the pores of the skin, which will have the opposite effect.

Third, will drinking milk on an empty stomach cause diarrhea

Many people always think that they drink milk on an empty stomach in the morning, as if their stomach is always full There will be pain or diarrhea. They think that the nutritional content of milk is too high, and the stomach and intestines in the body cannot bear it, so many people start not drinking milk in the morning. In fact, drinking milk on an empty stomach in the morning does not necessarily cause diarrhea, but lactose intolerance in the body, resulting in diarrhea. However, some people with a bad stomach are not suitable for drinking milk in the morning, and the specific situation still needs to be different from person to person.

Have you believed the three little “rumours” above? Most people probably think so. In fact, there is no complete scientific basis for these. In the editor’s opinion, drinking milk is not a daily task, but to choose according to your physical condition or personal hobbies. Whether it is morning or evening, you can drink milk. As for how much you drink every day, drinking a box of 250 ml of milk a day is almost the same. If you drink too much milk, your body will not be able to fully absorb it. Usually, you drink less milk. will affect the body. Today, I will share it here, I hope it will be of some help to you.