Does drinking coffee on an empty stomach hurt your stomach? Calcium loss? 4 truths about coffee, read before you drink it

As one of the top three beverages in the world, coffee is found almost everywhere in the world.

But as the saying goes, 1,000 readers have 1,000 Hamlets. The same is true of coffee. Different people have different coffee experiences.

Some people’s impression of coffee will always stay on the first time—-this thing is so bitter, does anyone drink it?

Some people gossip over coffee, and they can chat for half a day with a cup of coffee;

But for more people, the day starts with washing cups and picking up coffee.

However, there are also many strange rumors and claims about coffee, which make a group of coffee parties hesitate, whether to drink it or not?

Coffee on an empty stomach hurts your stomach?

In fact, several studies show that coffee does not directly cause stomach ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux.

However, coffee can also have certain effects on the gastrointestinal tract, such as increasing gastric acid secretion, promoting small bowel motility and relaxing the esophageal sphincter.

So if you have gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to eat something and drink a cup of coffee!

If you want to try drinking coffee on an empty stomach, you might as well choose a latte with milk, not black coffee.

Drinking coffee can cause calcium loss?

Theoretically, coffee increases calcium loss, but in reality the loss is too small. Caffeine is only a short-term diuretic, and caffeine per cup of coffee will only increase calcium loss by 2-3g, which is negligible.

Of course, if you’re taking coffee with milk, you don’t need to worry, after all, the calcium from milk can make up for the loss of calcium caused by caffeine and oxalic acid.

In addition, like tea and red wine, coffee also contains tannic acid, which can penetrate into the interior of the teeth when it acts on the teeth for a long time, causing the teeth to turn yellow.

So try drinking through a straw, or add a little milk to weaken the penetration of tannic acid into the teeth.

What are the minefields to avoid for healthy coffee?

Coffee is good, but drinking too much can easily cause sleep disturbances, irregular heartbeats and other adverse reactions.

Avoid these minefields when it comes to healthy coffee:

One, control the amount of drinking

Be sure to control the amount of coffee you drink every day, no more than two cups, and no more than 100 ml per cup.

Especially instant coffee, if you drink more than 200 ml per day, it will not only easily lead to obesity, but also have certain effects on nerves and blood vessels.

Two, try not to drink on an empty stomach

Especially, some office workers like to drink coffee on an empty stomach. They think that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can not only make you feel full, but also refresh your mind. Once you drink coffee on an empty stomach, it will cause discomfort to the gastrointestinal tract. big burden.

Third, do not add sugar or creamer

Instant coffee itself contains a lot of sugar. If you continue to add some sugar or creamer when drinking instant coffee, it will cause sugar and lipids in instant coffee. Elevated levels have a greater impact on health.

Fourth, don’t drink hot coffee

When brewing coffee, the temperature of the water will be relatively high, so do not drink it immediately after brewing.

Otherwise, the lining of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach could be scalded. Inflammation, or even ulceration, is especially likely in these areas.

5. Avoid coffee in the evening

Don’t drink coffee at night, otherwise it will keep the human brain in a state of excitement.

Not only can it affect sleep, it can also affect heart rate and cause abnormal spasms of blood vessels.

With so much coffee, which one is better?

If you are a coffee party, it is recommended to choose only coffee + water espresso, Americano, or only coffee + milk Latte, cappuccino.

Of course, those mochas with cream and chocolate syrup, as well as various vanilla lattes and caramel lattes with flavored sweeteners, these can add a lot of sugar, so you can’t Drink it often, occasionally as a dessert.

If you have enough time, you might as well try coffee grounded with coffee beans, which is artistic and healthy at the same time.

As for those three-in-one instant coffee, or canned sweet coffee, it can only be said to be a “coffee-flavored sweet drink” and is not recommended for drinking.

But no matter what kind of coffee, you have to pay attention—-

Don’t rush to drink it, after allhot drinks over 65°C are not only hot, but also have a risk of cancer!