Do you always feel that shoulder pain is frozen shoulder? People with bad shoulders, it is recommended to do 4 small things

As I get older, many middle-aged and elderly people always feel unbearable shoulder pain. I heard that this is shoulder periarthritis, so I bought some plaster and put it back on it myself. In fact, it is not a shoulder pain that is frozen shoulder. Want to prevent frozen shoulder, may wish to learn more about it.


Periarthritis of the shoulder, also known as “Fifty Shoulders”, is more common in people around the age of 50, and is more prone to stretching When the upper body and other movements are performed, the shoulder is like being frozen, painful and stiff, also known as “frozen shoulder“. The appearance of this disease is often related to abnormal blood supply around the shoulder joint, long-term overactive shoulder joint, and long-term poor posture.

If you have rheumatism, arthritis, etc., often in a rheumatic and cold environment, it may also cause the inflammation of the shoulder to become more and more serious, and frozen shoulder may appear before the age of 50.

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After having shoulder pain, I want to know if I have fifty shoulders. Also very simple. Try these 2 movements, if you can’t do it, the risk of frozen shoulder is relatively high.

The first action, raise your arms up, lift your head up, simulating the posture of combing your hair, if you just raise your arms, it will make you feel unbearable pain, very painful. Possibly periarthritis of the shoulder.

The second action, touch the back. When you touch your right back with your left hand, if it is difficult to touch, and if you twist it a little and feel unbearable pain, it may be frozen shoulder.

When you experience shoulder pain and stiffness while doing these two movements, it is likely to be frozen shoulder.

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I have frozen shoulder, it is recommended to do 4 small things

Periarthritis of the shoulder often does not require special treatment such as surgery. Without affecting daily life, four small things can be used to reduce the development of the disease and relieve pain. symptom.

First of all, wear shoulder pads to prevent cold

Whether it is a simple shoulder problem or frozen shoulder, it may cause joint sensitivity due to the invasion of cold and dampness , The blood circulation of the shoulder joint is blocked, and the metabolites in the joint cannot be removed in time, which is more likely to induce the accumulation of acidic metabolites, thereby inducing pain. The practice of wearing shoulder pads can protect the shoulders from the cold.

Even when you are sleeping, you should be careful not to expose your shoulders to the quilt and catch the cold.

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Secondly, correct your sitting and shoulder habit< /strong>

People who often sit in the office and use computers at their desks are often more prone to shoulder pain, soreness and discomfort due to tight shoulder and neck muscles. The risk of developing frozen shoulder is also higher than the general population. The better way is to give your shoulders enough time to rest. Moving your shoulders every hour or so, shrugging your shoulders, etc., can also relieve the tension of the shoulder and neck muscles, which is of great help in maintaining your shoulders.

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Also, when the pain symptoms are very obvious, you can consider using Drugs and other methods to relieve pain, which is also a common method for the treatment of frozen shoulder. But to remind everyone that it is not recommended to use painkillers without authorization. Painkillers are likely to cause symptoms to be masked, thereby missing the best time for treatment.

Finally, exercise both shoulders properly. The muscles of the shoulders can also play a certain protective role after being exercised. For example, use soothing exercises such as Baduanjin and Tai Chi for initial exercise, and then you can exercise on the low bars. It is also good for exercising the shoulder joint.

I always feel that shoulder pain is not necessarily frozen shoulder, but when it is difficult for you to do two movements, you must be more careful. For those with bad shoulders, it is recommended to do 4 small things, which may also be of great help in the prevention and treatment of frozen shoulder.


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