Comparison of Sangjuyin and Yinqiaosan

1. Sangju drink

Composition: mulberry leaf, chrysanthemum, almond, forsythia, mint, platycodon, licorice, pueraria.

Functions: Dispelling wind and clearing heat, dispersing lung and relieving cough.

Indications: The wind temperature is beginning to rise, and the surface heat is mild. Cough, not too hot, slightly thirsty, floating pulse.

Fang Song:

Sang Ju Drink with orange and apricot, reed root, licorice and mint,

clear the lungs Stomach Qingxuanji, wind-warming cough service to eliminate.

Yinqiao San

Composition: Forsythia, silver flower, platycodon, mint, bamboo leaf, Raw licorice, nepeta ear, light tempeh, burdock.

Functions: Pungent and cool, clearing heat and detoxifying.

Indications: The beginning of febrile disease. Fever, slight aversion to wind and cold, no sweating or poor sweating, headache, thirst, cough and sore throat, red tongue tip, thin white or yellow coating, floating pulse.

Fang Song:

Yinqiao Sanzhu Shangjiao, Bamboo Leaf Jing, Black Bean and Mint,

Ganju Reed Root Cool solution method, clear and dredging wind and heat cooking without fail.

Yinqiao Powder and Sangju Drink are both for the treatment of febrile diseases The Xinliang Jiemei formula. In the composition, there are five medicines including Forsythia, Campanulaceae, Licorice, Mint and Reed Root. However, Yinqiao San uses Yinhua in combination with Nepeta, tempeh, burdock, and bamboo leaves. It has a strong power of relieving external heat and clearing heat. The effect is weaker than that of Yinqiaosan, so it is a pungent cooling agent.