“Community workers, like me, are fighting continuously. They can only sleep for four or five hours a day, and only one hour when they are the busiest”|Party flag fluttering

A narrow camp bed she slept in for more than 20 days; a pair of grey jeans she wore for 14 days. When I first saw Yue Hongying, secretary of the Party branch of the Yancang Residential District, Yongfeng Street, she was frowning, and her voice was a little hoarse to arrange community epidemic prevention work. Since March 26, Yue Hongying has led 15 community workers to station in the neighborhood committee and began to fight the epidemic together with 2,200 residents.

Coordinate community volunteering

The Yancang residential area has resettlement houses, self-built villas and rural homestead houses. Large and complex personnel structure. Before the lockdown, Yue Hongying led community staff to register at home, posted notices, and conducted a comprehensive survey of the situation of community staff. In the face of the serious shortage of front-line staff in community epidemic prevention, Yue Hongying immediately issued a notice to recruit volunteer service teams to further improve various epidemic prevention work mechanisms in the community. With the gathering of volunteer forces, the residential area has formed six teams for material transportation, drug dispensing, care, emergency, patrol, and distribution, and formulated a “2+6+2+N” personnel working mechanism (that is, 2 secretaries + 6 district chiefs + 2 administrators + N volunteers) to keep abreast of community epidemic prevention and control work in real time.

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Epidemic prevention propaganda, delivery of vegetables and medicines, nucleic acid screening, condolences to the elderly… The volunteers from the six teams split up Actions to solve all kinds of “urgent and distressed” for community residents. Under the organization of Yue Hongying, the community gradually formed an epidemic prevention and control work atmosphere in which party members took the lead, the masses participated, and pooled their efforts. She told Komatsu: “During this period, the most gratifying thing is that more than 200 party members and ordinary residents took the initiative to stand up. , worked side by side with us and solved many tough problems.”

not long ago , community staff found that the parents of some residents were unable to go home due to isolation in the company, and the two children were at home alone. After learning about this, Yue Hongying immediately came to the door and learned that one of the two children was in junior high school and the other was in elementary school, and neither could cook. In order to protect the children’s life and health during the lockdown, Yue Hongying turned into a “guardian”, helping the children coordinate three meals a day, and arranging volunteers to deliver meals to their homes regularly.

Stay on the front line of epidemic prevention and control

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“The lockdown has been long, many resident encounterI come to the neighborhood committee when I am in difficulty. My mobile phone is kept open 24 hours a day so that I can answer calls at any time. Generally, except in the middle of the night, the calls are almost never interrupted. “Yue Hongying said. Guaranteeing people’s livelihood has always been Yue Hongying’s greatest concern, and stories of helping the poor like this often happen. As the secretary of the general party branch in a residential area, Yue Hongying has always been fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, nucleic acid testing, coordination Her figure is in the supplies, and her voice is in condolences to the elderly and resolving conflicts. “It’s like a ‘top’ that keeps spinning, it can’t be stopped, because the hope of the residents is on us, and we must do our best to help everyone solve their difficulties. . ” said Yue Hongying.

After more than 20 days of continuous rotation, Yue Hongying’s voice has become hoarse. “Community Work The personnel, like me, are in continuous combat, and can only sleep four or five hours a day, and only one hour at the busiest time. On a narrow camp bed, Yue Hongying slept for more than 20 days. She said frankly, “It’s not easy to turn over, and it’s not breathable. Every morning when you wake up, your back is wet. “Yue Hongying wore a pair of gray jeans for 14 consecutive days. She said, “I was too busy to get a change of clothes. I didn’t change my pants until a volunteer brought them over two days ago.” “

However, she still firmly told Komatsu: “The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control are Responsibilities, no matter how hard and tired, are not worth mentioning compared to the lives and health of the masses. As long as the ‘big family’ in the Yancang residential area can be safe, I will continue to fight to victory. ”

Text: Jin Chenxu

Photo: Jin Chenxu Interviewee

Editor: Li Xiang, Lu Jia, Shen Lina

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