[Chuangwei Small Classroom] How to avoid heat stroke when the “barbecue mode” is turned on in summer?

[Source: Ninghe Ecological Environment]

Summer scorching

The high temperature of the past few days

Let the People feel that they are going to heat up, heat up, heat up and heat up.


#heatstroke# topic words are on the hot search

This year all over the country

Many people have been diagnosed with “heat stroke”

Some patients fell into a coma and even died as a result

It turns out that

people often say “hot to die”

not a joke

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What is heat stroke?

In layman’s terms, heat stroke is the most dangerous and Severe heatstroke can lead to systemic problems in the central nervous system, muscle tissue, coagulation function, liver and kidney function, respiratory function, cardiovascular function, etc. Case fatality rate.

There are two types of heat stroke


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Mainly due to the imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation caused by high-intensity physical activity, which is common in strenuous exercise in summer healthy young people, such as officers and soldiers, athletes, firefighters, construction workers, etc.

Classic HS

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Common in young children, pregnant women, and the elderly, or individuals with chronic underlying diseases or impaired immune function, usually caused by passive exposure to heat The disease is caused by an imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation.

Heat stroke prevention is important

< p>To prevent the occurrence of exertional heat stroke, pay attention to protection when outdoor activities are necessary, and it is best to gradually adapt >, avoid moving directly from a cool area (such as an air-conditioned room) to a hot outdoor area. At the same time, pay attention to replenish water and salt, or sports drinks containing electrolytes.

For the prevention of classic heat stroke, it is necessary to control the ambient temperature, change clothes in a timely manner, and drink more water; Be careful not to leave children alone in small spaces such as cars.

worth Note that

heat shot sickness is not It is done overnight

There is a continuous process from light to severe

Including Threatened Heat Stroke, Mild Heat Stroke and Severe Heat Stroke

collectively referred to as heat-induced diseases

as long as timely treatment and treatment in the early stage of heatstroke

the occurrence of heat stroke can be avoided to the greatest extent

< p>The difference between it and general heatstroke is here↓

(click to enlarge)

What should I do in the early stages of heatstroke?

Support the patient to a cool and ventilated place Lie down, raise the head at the same time, and unbutton the clothes to facilitate the patient’s breathing and heat dissipation;

◆supplement the body’s water needs, preferably light salt water;

◆use Wet towels, ice packs, ice cubes, and fans can help cool the patient;

◆Elevate the patient’s feet to help venous return and relieve the shock state;

◆If the situation is serious, Dial 120 and take the patient to the hospital emergency department as soon as possible.

“Sauna Day” and “Barbecue Day”

Everyone should protect themselves,

Reduce outdoor activities, pay attention to sunscreen and hydration

Be responsible for your own health!

Source: Beijing Health Education

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