Chronic diarrhea is more dangerous than acute! In severe cases, “drag” into colon cancer

How fragile is the stomach in summer? Blowing the air conditioner, eating cold drinks, eating skewers… After that, you may be suddenly found by “diarrhea”.

Diarrhea not only causes gastrointestinal discomfort, but it may also be a sign of colon cancer in the long run.

Life Times (search on WeChat to follow “LT0385”) /strong>Interview with experts to remind you that chronic diarrhea is more dangerous than acute, and teach you 4 tricks to stay away from “entanglement” of diarrhea.

Interviewed experts

Liu Yugeng, Deputy Chief Physician of Emergency Center of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical UniversityCapital Medical University Wang Lei, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Tropical Diseases, Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to the UniversityWu Xiaoqin, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Gastroenterology, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Lingnan Hospital

Summer diarrhea is not just the fault of cold drinks

People often say “diarrhea”, which is medically called diarrhea. The judgment criteria for diarrhea are that the frequency of defecation is significantly higher than the usual frequency, the stool is thin and watery, the daily defecation volume exceeds 200 grams, or contains undigested food, pus, blood, mucus, etc. Often accompanied by a sense of urgency to defecate, anal discomfort, incontinence and other symptoms. Diarrhea symptoms are often overlooked because everyone’s bowel movement pattern is different, from 3 times a day to once every 3 days is the normal range.

< td align="center" valign="middle" width="123">chronic diarrhea

< strong>Type of diarrhea
Acute diarrheaInfectious diarrhea Noninfectious diarrhea
within 2 weeksmore than 2 monthscaused by a variety of germs, usually by eating food contaminated with pathogens or using Cutlery, etc.caused by eating cold drinks, iced fruit, barbecue, beer, greasy or spicy food

Many people are more prone to diarrhea in summer, usually related to the following reasons:


strong>The weather is hot and rainy, providing a suitable environment for intestinal pathogens to breed.

2.Summer sweats a lot, drinking a lot of water will dilute the concentration of gastric juice and reduce the resistance of the stomach .

3.Eating cold, such as eating iced fruits, cold drinks, cold dishes, etc., increases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract , and cold food has not been heated, which is more conducive to the reproduction of bacteria and viruses, resulting in diarrhea.

Acute diarrhea, mainly related to “eating”

In clinical practice, most acute diarrhea is mainly related to “eating”, and it is common to carry in food or tableware The pathogens are:

  • Bacteria: Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Proteus, etc.;

  • Viruses: rotavirus, norovirusWacker virus, Coxsackie virus, Echo virus, etc.;

  • Parasites: Amoeba, Giardia, etc.;< /p>

  • Fungi: Candida albicans, Mucor, etc.

Acute infectious diarrhea

Acute infectious diarrhea has a rapid onset, usually within two days of infection The disease will occur, and the number of bowel movements is more than 3 times a day, and even some severely ill patients can defecate more than 10 times within an hour. In addition to diarrhea, it may also be accompanied by vomiting, fever, chills, abdominal pain, general weakness, etc.The mucus, pus and blood excreted is mainly mucus, and there is still a feeling of wanting to defecate after defecation.

Parasitic diarrhoea usually has a slower onset than bacterial and viral diarrhoea. The patient may not have diarrhoea until a few days after infection, and the number of diarrhoea is also less frequent and even defecation There are no noticeable changes, so it’s easy to overlook. If you suspect that there are parasites in your body, go to the hospital for examination in time.

Acute non-infectious diarrhea

This type of diarrhea is mainly caused by 3 causes:

  • Acute toxic diseases caused by eating spoiled food, polluting water sources, or eating undercooked lentils;
  • Food retention causes indigestion, bloating, and diarrhea.

Chronic diarrhea may “drag” into bowel cancer

Compared with acute diarrhea, chronic diarrhea not only hides more deeply, The consequences are more serious. This type of diarrhea has several major characteristics:

  • long course

usual course Up to 2 months;

  • slow onset

slow onset , rarely seen in patients with acute exacerbation, the frequency and frequency of diarrhea are not easily detectable;

  • easy to repeat li>

Patients alternate between attacks and remissions, or the symptoms gradually worsen during the attacks.

Chronic non-infectious diarrhea

is usually caused by intestinal inflammatory diseases, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. After intestinal infection and inflammation, it will stimulate peristalsis and lead to intestinal absorption disorder. Patients defecate 2~3 times a day, or alternate between diarrhea and constipation, and it can reach dozens of times a day. more.

The danger of chronic non-infectious diarrhea is that it is closely related to intestinal tumors, such as colon polyps (adenomas), colorectal tumors, etc.

These people have long-term, mild diarrhea that is ineffective with antibiotics and gut flora regulation, blood in the stool, and changes in bowel habits, such as constipation and diarrhea process alternately.

Although many people observe that there is no pus and blood in the stool after defecation, but after the fecal occult blood test, it will be found to be positive, because it is difficult to observe with the naked eye when there is less than 5 ml of blood in the stool. Among patients with chronic noninfectious diarrhea, some will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

In addition, chronic non-infectious diarrhea is also closely related to diabetes, hyperthyroidism, uremia, and autoimmune diseases.

Chronic infectious diarrhea

This is a more complex type of diarrhea that is usually caused by a fungal infection in the gut, and the patient suffers from a weakened immune system , organ transplantation, AIDS, improper use of antibiotics, etc., have diarrhea that lasts for up to several months, and this diarrhea takes various forms and is accompanied by other site infections.

4 Ways to Avoid Diarrhea “Tangle”

For some people, diarrhea may be a minor symptom. In fact, in addition to causing gastrointestinal discomfort, the more dangerous place is that it can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, abnormal kidney function, acidosis, shock, etc.

To prevent diarrhea, especially in summer, it is recommended to do the following:

Avoid greed for cold and do Keep your belly warm

There are many opportunities to eat raw and cold food in summer, so it must be eaten in moderation according to physical fitness. In addition, be sure to keep your abdomen warm when blowing air conditioners and fans.

Keep food contact areas clean

Pay attention to the cleanliness of kitchen utensils and tableware, and separate raw and cooked food knives and tableware , cannot be mixed. Also, remember to wash your hands before and after eating and when touching food.

Pay attention to the hygiene of the refrigerator

The food in the refrigerator should be separated from raw and cooked food to avoid contamination by some “cold-loving” bacteria; it is best not to store meat in the refrigerator for more than 2 days , vegetables preferably not more than 5 days.

Food should be cooked thoroughly

Do not eat stale, unclean fruits, spoiled or expired water and food. Be sure to ensure the sanitation of water and seafood, and purchase from formal channels.

Once diarrhea occurs, it is recommended to respond according to the severity of the symptoms:

  • Mild diarrhea without fever, oliguria, palpitationetc., use antidiarrheal drugs and antibiotics with caution;

  • If you feel mild dehydration symptoms such as mild thirst and slightly less urine output, you can Add a small amount of salt and sugar to boiled water to supplement sodium ions and sugar, and eat a small amount of freshly squeezed juice to supplement potassium ions;

  • light< /span> Mainly eat, eat porridge, noodles, steamed buns and other easily digestible foods; avoid meat, eggs, milk, beans and other foods that produce more gas to prevent flatulence.

It should be reminded that the following types of diarrhea must be seen as soon as possible:

  • Acute diarrhea, accompanied by frequent vomiting, fever, severe abdominal pain, or accompanied by dizziness, palpitation, dry mouth, oliguria and other symptoms of dehydration;
  • Acute diarrhea , no relief within 48 hours;
  • diarrhea with mucus and bloody stools or black stools;
  • chronic diarrhea, but also with a history of colorectal polyps or cholecystectomy, or People with a family history of rectal cancer need to be vigilant;
  • Patients with long-term constipation in the past, recent changes in bowel habits or traits, and diarrhea.

Editor of this issue: Zhang Yu

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