[Big coffee health class] “cocktail” therapy is expected to be more effective in preventing and controlling the growth of myopia

After a winter break, with the start of the school season, the number of students coming to the hospital for vision screening and optometry has also increased. Worrying about their own “small glasses”, parents “Amway” each other’s products to prevent and control myopia, low-concentration atropine, ok mirrors, anti-blue light glasses, light-feeding devices… On the “Planting List”, there are a series of popular products. . In this issue of the big coffee health class, the Yangtze Famous Medical Group invited Liu Hu, chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital), to tell you in detail whether the popular products in the eyes of parents are really worth buying?

Correspondent Dong Ju

Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Yang Yan

Produced by Yang Zehua

The biography of the big coffee:

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Hu Liu

MD , Chief Physician, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Deputy Director of the Department of Ophthalmology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, currently Deputy Head of the Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology Group of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and the Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology Professional Committee of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Association Deputy chairman, deputy chairman of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Jiangsu Medical Association, and head of the Strabismus and Children’s Ophthalmology Group of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Jiangsu Medical Association. Specialties: Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology. Now he is one of the leaders of the provincial key clinical specialty in Jiangsu Province.

Outpatient clinic hours: Monday and Friday morning.

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Low-concentration atropine:

Not “God” “Medicine”, the medical community is trying “cocktail” therapy

There are “troikas” of myopia prevention and control: outdoor exercise in the sun for more than 2 hours a day, wearing orthokeratology lenses (OK lenses), using low Concentration atropine eye drops. In particular, 0.01% atropine eye drops have become the “magic medicine” for the prevention and control of myopia in the eyes of parents.

Chief Physician Liu Hu introduced that the State Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved the production of any low-concentration atropine eye drops for children’s myopia control, and low-concentration atropine eye drops are still in clinical trials in my country However, in some domestic medical institutions, low-concentration atropine eye drops have appeared in the form of in-hospital preparations, which can be prescribed and purchased through regular channels and used under the supervision of doctors.

It is still inconvenient to purchase low-concentration atropine eye drops due to limited purchasing channels. Some parents will prepare their own eye drops based on online videos or secret recipes passed on by parents. Chief Physician Liu Hu reminded: “What solvent is used in the process of self-preparation by parents, how to store it and other factors may affect the effectiveness of the drug, contamination may occur during the preparation process, and some microorganisms enter the eye drops, which will also lead to Eye infections, the efficacy and safety of self-prepared eye drops cannot be guaranteed.”

In addition, low-concentration atropine is not a “magic drug”, and whether it can work has obvious individual differences, so The effect should also be monitored after a period of administration. Generally speaking, the effective rate of low-concentration atropine (the annual increase in myopia is controlled within 50 degrees) is about 50%-70%, and the effective rate of orthokeratology lenses is only slightly higher. Chief physician Liu Hu told reporters that the medical community has also found that the “cocktail therapy” that uses orthokeratology lenses and low-concentration atropine at the same time is expected to increase the effectiveness of myopia prevention and control, and related explorations are also in progress.

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Blue light blocking glasses:

Block all blue light , may affect the body rhythm

Many parents regard electronic products as “flood beasts” that affect vision, and modern teaching methods, it is impossible to completely shield the electronic screen, so give their children a pair of anti-blue light Glasses, especially when wearing electronic screens, have become the choice of many parents. However, doctors do not recommend the use of such anti-blue light glasses at all.

“Blue light is a component of the full spectrum, with a wavelength between 380-500 nanometers, but not all blue light in all bands are harmful light.” Chief Physician Liu Hu introduced that the wavelength of 400-460 nanometers Short-wave blue light can indeed cause damage to the eyes, but the blue light of 470-500 nanometers has a very important impact on human health. It is related to the regulation of biological rhythms and the secretion of melatonin. It is very likely that all blue light is blocked. Affect work and rest rules.

At the same time, the blue light emitted by electronic products is only about 1% of the blue light in nature. of the visual system (including the development of myopia). It is of little value for children to wear anti-blue light glasses during the learning process.

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Whether “myopia” “New weapon for prevention and control” needs further medical evidence

Light-feeding instrument is a myopia prevention and control product that has become popular in recent years. Searching for “buguang instrument” on the shopping website, you can find a variety of products from the simple version to the high-end version, and the prices range from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan. light meterThe price of the product even exceeds 10,000 yuan. So, is the light feeder effective?

Theoretically, the light feeder may act on the choroid under the retina through specific wavelengths of infrared light to control the growth of the axial length of the eye. “But from the information we know so far, relevant research on the role of the light-feeding device in controlling the progression of myopia is ongoing, and there is currently no evidence with a large sample or a relatively long follow-up to prove that the light-feeding device can prevent and control myopia. The effectiveness and safety of this product, so everyone should be cautious about this product.”

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Eye protection lamp:

Illuminance, spectrum, stroboscopic, all three elements are indispensable

In the prevention and control of myopia, the government has launched a “combination punch” ”, paying attention to the lighting and lighting of school classrooms is also one of the key tasks. Jiangsu will transform and upgrade the classroom lighting of 800 compulsory education schools this year. Similarly, parents are also very concerned about how to create a comfortable environment for their children to read and write at home. Choosing an eye-protecting desk lamp can make parents dazzled.

“The three parameters of the desk lamp are closely related to the development of myopia. The most important point is the illuminance. In layman’s terms, it is also the intensity of the light.” Chief Physician Liu Hu said that illuminance plays an important role in the occurrence of myopia. It plays a very important role in development. Some studies have shown that when the illuminance of light reaches 500Lx, children are less prone to myopia. In other words, when the illuminance reaches 500Lx, it has a protective effect on vision.

The second factor is the spectrum. In the past, many people thought that the yellow light was soft, but it was actually not good for eyesight. Modern research has found that the closer the spectrum is to natural light, the better it is for vision, so it is emphasized that a full-spectrum table lamp should be selected for children.

The last element is stroboscopic. The light we can see is flickering. The stroboscopic frequency of ordinary incandescent lamps is 50Hz, and the stroboscopic parameters of eye protection lamps should be more than 10 times.


0-6 years old, a “reservoir” to protect children’s eyesight

“There is a process in the development of children’s refractive system. Children The axial length of the eye at birth is only about 16 mm. After birth to the age of 8, the normal refractive state of a child should be hyperopia, which we call hyperopia reserve, which is a ‘buffer’ against myopia.” Liu Chief Physician Hu introduced that a child’s hyperopia reserve is like a reservoir with only an outlet. After being consumed, it is non-renewable. 0-6 years old is a key time period for children’s myopia prevention and control. “Now the government has attached great importance to the prevention and control of myopia in children aged 0-6. Our maternal and child health care institutions and children’s hospitals are carrying out vision screening for children aged 0-6, and have also established refractive development files for children. Early onset Myopia can be found through these ways.”

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“If Once a child’s vision problem is found, we advocate that a follow-up visit to the hospital should be performed at 3-4 months, and an optometry examination should be done every six months to a year, including diopter, axial length, accommodation and lens-related parameters, etc., and integrate these data to comprehensively evaluate the child. The development of the eye, especially the development of the refractive system.” Director Liu Hu reminded that in addition to refractive errors, there are many eye diseases in children aged 0-6, such as strabismus and amblyopia. There are also some children’s eye diseases, although the incidence rate is low, but they will cause major harm to children’s eye health, such as congenital cataracts, glaucoma, and some retinopathy of prematurity, etc., will affect the development of children’s visual system, and even cause blindness serious consequences. Therefore, the focus of our children’s eye care is to firstly pay attention to the structure of the child’s eye to see if the development is normal; the second is to pay attention to the function of the child’s eye on the basis of the normal structure, identify problems as soon as possible, and intervene as soon as possible, so as not to miss the most important the best time for treatment.

Proofreading Li Haihui