An ancient poem a day | Ancient poems, Qi Jiguang’s “Looking at the Tower”

“Wangju Tower”

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[Ming] Qi Jiguang

Ten years of driving on the sea, the sea is cold, and the lonely minister looks at Chenluan here.

Fan Shuang poured all her heart and soul into Qianfeng Qiuye Dan.

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In the vast and cold sea, “I” has been running along the coast to fight against Japanese pirates for ten years; “I” is standing alone on the tower Looking at the palace in the capital affectionately.

The green blood of “I” is like the frost on thousands of rocks and ravines, sprinkled on countless mountain peaks, dyeing all autumn leaf.



Wangque (què) Terrace: In present-day Fuqing County, Fujian Province, a high platform named after Qi Jiguang himself . Qi recorded in “New Cave Records of Ruiyan Temple in Xiruiyan Temple, Haikou City, Fuqing County, Fujian Province”: “A mountain embraces a high place, and you can look at Shenjing. The name is Wangque Tower.” Que, palace, refers to the residence of the emperor.

Ten years, refers to the period when the author was transferred to Zhejiang and then to Fujian to fight against the Japanese. From the 34th year of Jiajing’s transfer to Zhejiang as a general, to the 42nd year of Jiajing’s aid to Fujian, it took about ten years.

Lonely ministers, far away from the capital, isolated and helpless ministers, here is self-referencing.

Chen (chén) Luan (luán): The residence of the emperor.


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This is a patriotic poem by Qi Jiguang, a famous anti-Japanese general and poet in Ming Dynasty.

The most wonderful thing about this poem is that it expresses emotions first and then describes the scenery. The feelings of family and country move people with affection and loyalty, thus expressing the loyalty and patriotism of being fearless, not afraid of sacrifice, and fighting bravely.

In the early and mid-Ming Dynasty, there were two major enemies: northern captives and southern Japanese. Jurchen is a new hostile force formed in the late Ming Dynasty. Beilu refers to the Mongols in the northern grasslands. Nanwa refers to Japanese pirates. Yu Qian who wrote “Lime Yin” was the hero who fought against the northern captives, and Qi Jiguang was the hero who wiped out the Japanese pirates. He was a soldier all his life, almost traveled all over China, all the coastal cities, fought against Japanese pirates countless times, and achieved great results.

Wangque Terrace, as the name suggests, is a high platform to climb up and overlook the palace of the capital. At that time, Qi Jiguang served as the commander-in-chief of Fujian and was stationed in Fuqing County. In Ruiyan Mountain, Fuqing County, he often climbed to look far, so he built a high platform and named it Wangque Terrace. This song “Wangque Terrace” was written during this period.

“Ten years of driving the sea is cold, and the lonely minister looks at Chenluan here.” These two sentences mean that in the vast and cold sea In Seli, “I” has been running along the coast to fight against Japanese pirates for ten years; “I” stands alone on the watch tower, looking at the palace in the capital affectionately. This is to write “The Love of Wangque Tower”.

From the 32nd year of Jiajing (1553), Qi Jiguang was recommended by Zhang Juzheng, and he joined the Department to command the affairs of Dengzhou, The twenty-five guards of Wendeng and Jimo three battalions defended against Japanese pirates along the coast of Shandong. In the forty-fourth year of Jiajing (1565), Yu Dayou led the navy and Qi Jiguang led the infantry. The two joined forces to encircle and suppress Wuping. The poet has already fought against the Japanese Persisted for thirteen years. The ten years here are just an approximate number, indicating the long time of combat.

The word “cold” not only expresses the vast and cold sea The color also expresses the protracted struggle against the Japanese, which is extremely difficult and difficult, which echoes the “solitary” below. “Wang Chenluan” not only expresses the poet’s loyalty to the imperial court, but also hopes that the imperial court can fully support the anti-Japanese struggle and completely win the anti-Japanese struggle.

Li Bai is used here, “It is always because the clouds can cover the sun, and Chang’an does not make people worry”, Du Fu, “The sunset in the isolated city of Kuifu Xie, every time according to the poetic concept of Beidou looking at the capital, expresses the mood of not forgetting the emperor as a courtier.

“Fanshuang is full of heart and soul, sprinkled on Qianfeng Qiuyedan.” These two sentences mean that “my” blood, It seems to be the heavy frost on thousands of rocks and ravines, sprinkled on countless mountain peaks, dyeing all autumn leaves red. This is “Scenery of Wangque Terrace”.

What we see seems to be just the heavy frost sprinkled on the thousand peaks, dyeing the red leaves red, but what we can’t see is actually the poet A fiery patriotism. After ten years of fighting, the original intention remains the same, just like the fiery red in the thousands of rocks, it is the color of life that is throbbing, and it is also the unswerving feelings of family and country!

Emperor Jiajing was able to write such a majestic poem as “Send Liu Bowen” in 1540, and he must understand Qi Jiguang’s works of green blood and loyalty. The monarchs and ministers echoed, shared the same hatred, and the southern Japanese pirates, why worry about not being broken?

Qi Jiguang, because of the Nanping Japanese pirates and Beizhen Jimen, annihilating 150,000 enemies, was killed It was sealed as “Shaobao”. Yuan Mei’s poem in the Qing Dynasty said well, “The country needs great people to support, and the deification of Danqing is to draw pictures. It depends on Yue Yue and Shuangshaobao, and the world begins to feel that the West Lake is important.” In addition to Yu Qian, the Shaobao who turned the tide in the Ming Dynasty, Qi Jiguang also The same generation of famous generals who “turned the tide and helped the building to collapse”.

“Ming Shenzong Shilu” uses sixteen characters Summarized Qi Jiguang’s life as a soldier: “Bloody battle to wipe out the Japanese, honored in Fujian and Zhejiang, strong to fight against captives, looking at Youyan.” Wang Xi wrote when interpreting the lyrics of Qi Jiguang’s “Wangque Tower”:

Lonely ministers look forward to Chenluan/every frostIt’s the blood of my heart/Spray to Qianfeng Qiuyedan/Outside the boat is the light and shadow of the Far East/Looking back at the ten-mile long pavilion/May this go to change the world’s Haiboping/Return to the homeland full of spring scenery/The sound of horns under the setting sun is going to the company/Another journey of the three armies/ May this body go to the country’s borders to keep peace/Beat the drum again and hold the long tassel…

It is worth mentioning that from him The five sons were named: Qi Zuuoguo, Qi Anguo, Qi Changguo, Qi Baoguo, and Qi Xingguo. It can also be seen that he is full of enthusiasm for serving the country.

“It’s easy to sacrifice one’s life in one’s life, and remote control has never been used to avenge the country’s disaster.” In 1584, Qi Jiguang in his later years was regarded as “the remnants of the Zhang Party” (Zhang Juzheng) was hidden in the snow. It wasn’t until after his death that people discovered that Qi Jiguang “raised the general seal four times, and had worn jade for more than 30 years. There was no field in the field, no arrowheads in his bag, and only thousands of volumes of books.” It can be said that “two sleeves are clean and righteous, and a shabby room is full of books”, realizing his magnificent life of “I don’t want to be a Marquis, but I hope Haibo is peaceful”.

Appreciation Source Official Account: Ancient Poetry Calendar, Author: Yan Yong.