Academic News|Professor Han Ying’s team from Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University found that women showed lower cognitive reserve in cognitively normal population

The Alliance and the team of Professor Han Ying from the Department of Neurology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, published the title “Women Exhibit Lower Global The article “Left Frontal Cortex Connectivity Among Cognitively Unimpaired Elderly Individuals: A Pilot Study from SILCODE” initially explored the left frontal whole-brain functional connectivity as a cognitive reserve substrate in cognitively normal subjects gender differences and assessed differences in different subgroups.

strong Research Protocol Introduction

The study found gender differences in cognitive reserve among cognitively normal older adults. However, there is little direct evidence of differences in cognitive reserve. Global left frontal cortex connectivity (gLFC-connectivity) based on resting-state fMRI calculations has been shown to be a reliable substrate for cognitive reserve in 278 cognitively normal subjects. , and finally 113 normal control subjects and 132 subjects with subjective cognitive decline were included in the analysis. All subjects completed systematic neuropsychological scale assessments and resting-state fMRI, and 88 subjects completed AV45-PET to assess amyloid deposition status.


Main findings

1. In terms of cognitive performance, women outperformed men in immediate recall, short-delay recall and long-delay recall.

2. In the included cognitively normal general population, whether in the general population, in cognitively normal controls or in subjects with subjective cognitive decline, or in amyloid The left frontal lobe brain-wide functional connectivity of women was weaker than that of men in both positive and negative protein deposition groups. But with age, education, total intracranial volume, and APOE4 carrier status as covariates, significant differences in the amyloid deposition-positive group disappeared.

This study initially explored the role of cognitive reserve in cognitively normal subjects. Gender differences, i.e. women have lower cognitive reserve than men. Provides strategies for gender-stratified precision medicine treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.


  Thanks for the support of the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China! Thank you to all the volunteers who participated in this project for their support!


Wenying Du, Changchang Ding, Jiehui Jiang*, Ying Han *. Women exhibit lower global left frontal cortex connectivity among cognitively unimpaired elderly individuals: A pilot study from SILCODE. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021, 83(2): 653-663. doi: 10.3233/JAD-210376 p>

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