A 16-year-old boy lost consciousness after drinking pearl milk tea. The rescue was invalid and he was declared dead. Doctor: It would be great if everyone knew this trick!

Source: Listen to Dr. Li and read it yesterday I got a piece of news, and I am very sorry. A 16-year-old student (junior high school student or high school student) accidentally stuck his throat while drinking pearl milk tea on the roadside. The pearl particles accidentally entered the trachea, causing suffocation. The patient was in a coma when the doctor arrived at the scene. Now, the heartbeat has stopped. It is said that Heimlich method was given at the beginning, and then cardiopulmonary resuscitation was started, but everything was too late. The patient was taken back to the hospital and sent to the ICU. After active treatment, it was still irreversible. The situation has to declare clinical death.01 >

Why do I get stuck?

The human trachea and esophagus are closely next to each other, the trachea is in front and the esophagus is in the back, the trachea is the passage for air in and out, and the esophagus is the passage of food (usually only Usually, the two channels will not go through the wrong door. Air generally only enters and exits from the trachea, and rarely or basically does not enter the esophagus, and food generally does not enter the trachea, only will fall into the esophagus. Why is this happening? The most crucial point is two points. First, there is an organ on the top of our trachea called the epiglottis. The epiglottis is behind the tongue, on the top of the trachea, and is shaped like a leaf. When we speak or breathe, the epiglottis is opened, and the airflow can flow into the trachea. When we eat and swallow food, the epiglottis is covered and blocks the trachea. Avoid mistaking food into the trachea. 02

Foreign body enters the trachea, how to give first aid?

This is about the Heimlich method that many people are familiar with. When foreign objects enter the trachea, many times we can’t cough out the things. It is also possible that the suffocation is too severe and there is no way to cough. At this time, there is only one way to first aid on the spot, and that is the Heimlich method. The Heimlich method was first proposed by foreigners, so it was named after him. The principle is to use gas shock to try to shock foreign objects out. >03

How to avoid Foreign body in airway?

An important point is to try not to talk, laugh, etc. when eating, especially when you have food in your mouth. The principle we mentioned above. Don’t eat while lying down, sit up when you want to eat, or lie down halfway. If a child has the habit of lying down and eating snacks, he must correct it. If he did not have an accident this time, he may have an accident next time. When we lie down, it will be a little difficult for us to swallow food, or it may go directly into the airway. Especially children, don’t make her/him talk or laugh when eating, every time I see children with food in their mouths shouting and laughing, I have planned the Heimlich method. …..This time, the rescue of the 16-year-old boy was unsuccessful. The point was that no one around could know first aid, and no one could help him relieve the airway obstruction in time. By the time the 120 doctor came, his heartbeat had stopped for a long time. Now, our 120 car, unless you happen to be in front of the hospital, it usually takes more than 10 minutes to arrive at the scene. With luck we can be there in 5 minutes, but we can’t leave this to luck. 04

except Heim Li Kefa,

doctors have any professional rescue methods?

There are two other methods, one is cricothyroidotomy and the other is tracheotomy. The principle of both procedures is the same, both are to bypass the point of obstruction and re-open the mouth to allow air to flow in and out of the airway. It’s just that cricothyroid membrane puncture is simpler, often to buy time for the subsequent tracheotomy. Better not to speak. We do not know whether the young man had any of these circumstances at the time, and there is no disrespect to the deceased.

Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine

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