Muscle Loss After 40? Expert: Start delaying from eating an egg yolk a day

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporter Zhang Hua Correspondent Lin Huifang

Photo/Yangcheng Evening News Data Map

The climate in autumn is cool and the yin and yang are relatively balanced, so it is the most suitable for tonic. For the middle-aged and elderly people, it is best to choose high-quality protein. Because we start to lose muscle mass from around the age of 40, before the age of 70, about 8% of the muscle is lost every 10 years. up to 15%. In order to keep fit, Tian Shuang, an attending physician in the Nutrition Department of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, believes that tonic can start with the intake of high-quality protein.

What are the dangers of muscle loss? Tian Shuang said that muscle attenuation is characterized by a decrease in skeletal muscle mass, which increases the risk of falling; secondly, muscle strength decreases after muscle attenuation, which reduces the protective effect on bones, which is also one of the reasons for the increased risk of fractures; muscle attenuation causes Decreased weight-bearing capacity and activity can even lead to a decline in the quality of life of middle-aged and elderly people. At the same time, muscle attenuation is also associated with chronic diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, heart failure and other clinical diseases. Poor prognosis.

High-quality protein at three meals a day

Good nutritional status plays a key role in delaying muscle decay in middle-aged and elderly people, so how to delay it through reasonable nutrition? Tian Shuang suggested to start with ensuring high-quality protein intake every day. It is recommended that the daily protein intake of middle-aged and elderly people should reach 1.0~1.2g/kg body weight under normal circumstances. If daily resistance training is performed, the daily protein intake should be ≥1.2~1.5g/kg body weight. Which high-quality protein should account for more than half.

“Pig, beef and sheep, chicken, duck and geese, fish and shrimp, eggs, soybeans and soy products, milk and dairy products are all good sources of high-quality protein. For example, 50 grams of pork, beef and mutton per day, fish Shrimp, poultry 50~100 grams, milk 300-400 grams per day, and three meals should be included, such as eggs, milk, beans for breakfast; lunch, dinner can eat pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, goose, Fish and shrimp, eggs, soybeans and soy products, etc.” Tian Shuang said.

300-400 grams of fresh milk or dairy products per day

As a reminder, don’t focus on eating a lot of protein in one meal. In addition, Tian Shuang also emphasized milk. She pointed out that many people are not used to drinking milk and do not understand the importance of milk. Studies have shown that whey protein in milk is very beneficial to promote muscle synthesis and prevent muscle decay, and the absorption and utilization rate of calcium in milk is also very high. It is recommended that each person drink 300~400g fresh milk or equivalent content per day Dairy products; if you are lactose intolerant, you can drink lactose-free milk or yogurt.

One ​​egg yolk per day

Experts also reminded to ensure adequate vitamin D. Increase the time of outdoor activities, promote the body to synthesize vitamin D by basking in the sun, or eat a certain amount of egg yolk and animal liver. One egg yolk a day, liver 1~2 times a week, 50g each time. Or reasonable supplementation of vitamin D and dietary supplements containing a variety of micronutrients under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.