Pancreatic cancer, diagnosed to death only 1 year! These 3 symptoms are all pancreas asking for help

Pancreatic cancer is known as the “king of cancers” because of its high mortality rate, and it may lead to death once it is afflicted. The time from onset to death is only a few months, which simply catches patients off guard. Pancreatic cancer is not silent, and its early symptoms are not typical, which is often ignored by people, missing the best time for treatment, and increasing the difficulty of treatment. If the following symptoms have always appeared recently, it is necessary to do a pancreas-related examination as soon as possible without delay.

What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?

1. Unexplainable jaundice

Jaundice is a common symptom of pancreatic head cancer, manifested as obstructive Jaundice is caused by obstruction of the bile ducts inside and outside the liver. Jaundice is persistent and progressive, accompanied by severe itching of the skin.

2. Discomfort in the upper abdomen

Sudden pain in the upper abdomen and congestion Feeling or discomfort, bouts of pain, especially when sleeping. There is obvious discomfort in the depths of the abdomen, which spreads to a wide range, shows progressive aggravation, and gradually transforms into dull pain or distending pain. If it is pancreatic body and tail cancer, the pain is concentrated in the left upper abdomen; if it is pancreatic head cancer, the pain is concentrated in the right upper abdomen; after pancreatic cancer reaches the middle and advanced stage, the pain radiates to the lower back, and the pain is affected by the position, and the pain is aggravated when lying down. Less pain when sitting, bending knees, lying on your side, or bending over.

3. Decreased appetite

As the tumor grows further, it can block pancreatic juice and bile Excretion, affecting appetite, leading to loss of appetite and body weight loss.

Why is pancreatic cancer diagnosed at an advanced stage?

1. It is related to the location of the pancreas

The pancreas is located in the retroperitoneum, with a particularly small volume and a deep position. Surrounded by multiple organs. Ordinary examinations are almost impossible to understand some situations, and even B-ultrasound cannot detect small tumors early.

2. Early symptoms are not obvious

Patients with early pancreatic cancer are prone to upper abdominal discomfort and pain, marked satiety, and decreased appetite, but are often mistaken for gastrointestinal problems. Pancreatic cancer can impair pancreatic function and damage pancreatic islet tissue, which in turn induces diabetes-related symptoms, but is mistaken for diabetes. Most patients with pancreatic cancer develop jaundice, which is mistaken for liver disease.

3. Faster progression

Pancreatic cancer worsens faster than other cancers Very fast. Due to the abundant blood around pancreatic cancer, cancer cells can follow the blood circulation to transfer; pancreatic cancer gene cells are unstable and difficult to treat.

Who are at high risk of pancreatic cancer?

  • people with familial adenomatous polyposis
  • pancreatic cancer cases in the family; frequent smoking and drinking, prolonged exposure to harmful Chemical substances
  • without fatigue and injury, but suddenly experienced low back pain, abnormal stool and poor appetite, and jaundice
  • Gastrectomy due to disease, especially in patients 20 years old
  • patients with chronic pancreatitis
  • < span>Suddenly diagnosed with diabetes

These are high-risk groups of pancreatic cancer.

Message from the doctor

Want to stay away from pancreatic cancer, It is also necessary to pay attention to the small details of life. Stay away from cigarettes and second-hand smoke, and do not drink any beverages containing alcohol, because cigarettes and alcohol can promote pancreatic tissue fibrosis and increase the risk of pancreatic cancer; reject high-animal protein and high-fat diets, which can speed up pancreatic cell renewal, Increase the sensitivity of the pancreas to carcinogens. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which contain antioxidants that protect cellular DNA. Stay away from high-risk environments, avoid prolonged exposure to amines and radiation, etc.; participate in more physical exercises to enhance physical fitness and actively release stress.

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