Huazhu net added 183 hotels in the second quarter, deepening the platform development of the supply chain

On July 20, Huazhu Group announced the preliminary results of hotel operations for the second quarter of 2022.

Data shows that in the second quarter of this year, the company’s average rental room revenue recovered to 69% of 2019. If the impact of the expropriation of hotels during the epidemic is considered , its RevPAR recovered to 75% of 2019 levels. Among them, the RevPAR in April, May and June recovered to 53%, 65% and 86% of 2019’s, respectively.

The rebound in RevPAR accelerated for Steigenberger Hotels AG and its affiliates (DH or Legacy-DH) over the same period. Although RevPAR was 35% lower in March than in 2019, it rebounded in June to just 1% lower than 2019.

In the second quarter of 2022, excluding DH, the number of Huazhu hotels increased by 183 and closed 86. As of June 30, 2022, the total number of hotels in operation was 8,051, and the total number of hotels to be opened was 2,199.

It is understood that with the effective control of the epidemic, after the promulgation of the ninth edition of the New Coronary Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan and the “star picking” of the itinerary, The domestic hotel search volume once rose to 220%, and the wine travel industry ushered in a recovery. At the same time, the domestic hotel industry, which has experienced rapid development for more than 20 years, has also begun a new round of changes, and the supply chain that has been in the back-end for a long time has come to the center of the new cycle.

Financial World Weekly was informed that on the same day as the business disclosure in the second quarter, Huazhu’s first supply chain ecosystem summit forum in 2022 will be held in Jinan held.

At the meeting, Huazhu Group CEO Jin Hui pointed out that after the epidemic, the hotel industry should move towards “co-creating the ecology, crossing the cycle, and moving towards the world.” “Level” development, the hotel industry in the new era will bid farewell to the old dividend period of economic chaining and the rise of mid-to-high-end, from the simple pursuit of scale of extensive growth to the pursuit of high-quality, high-efficiency sustainable development stage.

“In the era of coexistence of challenges and opportunities, the hotel industry needs to build brand and management, traffic and customer acquisition, digital and technology. Great core competence.” This is also the three-dimensionalintegration of Huazhu, in which the creation of a supply chain ecosystem is regarded by Jinhui as the key “fuel” to promote the innovative development of the hotel model.

It is reported that the hotel supply chain has entered the 4.0 development stage. From the primary buying and selling relationship of bargaining in 1.0, to the standardized development of chains with various rules and procedures in 2.0, to 3.0, the supply chain management from the head hotel group has advanced to 4.0, which is more transparent, open and efficient platform development. .

In fact, since 2015, Huazhu has been building the e-commerce platform to promote online procurement. In the six years from 2015 to 2021, the annual transaction volume of the platform has increased from 200 million yuan to 9.2 billion yuan. So far, more than 2,000+ suppliers have settled in, covering design institutes, construction units, procurement of materials and operational items, washing, catering and Maintenance, etc., cover the services required by the hotel from the opening period to the operation period.

Chen Yi, Senior Vice President of Huazhu Group Supply Chain Support Center, said that the initial positioning of Huazhu Supply Chain Support Center was not profitable, and the key It mainly depends on whether it can attract more franchisees to join the Huazhu brand and engage in the hotel industry. “Our supply chain has developed from a single engineering and procurement business to a full-service integrated e-commerce platform. In the future, this system will not only serve Huazhu’s internal services, but also provide value to the entire industry.”

The performance report shows that as of June 30, 2022, Huazhu operated a total of 8,176 hotels and had 773,898 guest rooms in operation. Among them, hotel rooms operated by lease and self-owned models accounted for 14%, and management and franchise models accounted for 86%. (Text | “Financial World” Weekly, Cheng Liang, editor | Sun Yue)