The medical staff are so caring that the bedridden elderly can walk normally

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client July 25th (Reporter Mao Yin Correspondent Wu Ping) “When I entered the hospital, it was difficult for me to get out of bed and toilet, but now I can walk back and forth in the ward for two times. The circle is no longer out of breath. Thank you!” On the 25th, in the geriatric medicine ward of Wuhan Donghu Hospital, Grandpa Peng gratefully said this to the nurse Liao Juan, who was washing his hair.

Grandpa Peng, who is over seventy years old, was hospitalized in the Department of Geriatrics of Wuhan Donghu Hospital in mid-June due to various chronic diseases such as lung infection, heart failure, and renal dysfunction.

At the time of admission, he was seriously ill, described as emaciated and bedridden. According to his condition, the doctor formulated a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan for him, and implemented treatments such as anti-infection, nourishing the heart muscle, and improving anemia. At that time, Grandpa Peng had a poor appetite and poor nutrition. In order to achieve a better therapeutic effect, increasing nutrition has become the primary issue. Everyone thought about a lot of methods, such as intravenous drip supplements, customized recipes, and the improvement of drug treatment by combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine methods. The head nurse personally went to the cafeteria every day to communicate and adjust the meals for him.

Gradually, Grandpa Peng’s appetite improved, he was able to eat slowly with a spoon, his nutrition also kept up, and his spirit was much better. After half a month of treatment, Grandpa Peng’s condition was brought under control, and the doctor immediately arranged rehabilitation treatment for him to help restore his leg muscle strength.

The doctor is helping Grandpa Peng with rehabilitation.

Seeing that Grandpa Peng’s condition is stable and his spirit is much better, but bathing is not very convenient, Liao Juan came to his bedside with hot water to wash his hair. Seeing Grandpa Peng’s uneasy look, Liao Juan said to him: “I planned to wash your hair for a long time, but it was delayed until today because of your inconvenience. You can lie down at ease, we often wash the hair of the patients. Yes, let me know if you feel uncomfortable during the washing process.” After washing, Grandpa Peng looked more energetic, and he told Liao Juan: “I just wanted to try it at the beginning, but I didn’t expect the medical care here. The people are so attentive and patient, I’m much better now.”

Grandpa Peng’s family sent their thanks to the escort Letter and pennant.

Grandpa Peng’s family is also very happy to see him getting better day by day. In order to express their gratitude, they also sent a gift with the words “excellent medical skills, noble medical ethics, sincere service, and great care”. A pennant and a special large thank you note. They said: “When the old man came, he had to breathe for a long time to say a complete sentence, and now he can walk on the ground. Since his condition got better, the old man called us every day and said he would like to thank the medical staff in the geriatric medicine department. The thank you letter is also what he wrote down and passed on to us word by word, and let us do it. Please accept our hearts.”

【Editor: Yu Lina】

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]