Why is a bowl of mung bean soup a cool tool? Although it is good to relieve the heat, these three types of people cannot drink too much

After the Great Heat, the whole country is in scorching mode, and the daily high temperature is constantly breaking new records.

And spend the hot summer, in addition to air-conditioning watermelon WiFi, perhaps a bowl of mung bean soup has become a choice for many people to cool off the heat and quench their thirst.

The mung bean soup refrigerated until it is cold, a soup, sweet and delicious, and then paired with boiled mung beans, drink a bowl at a time, in order to spend this hot summer.

Mung bean soup, the ancients have long used it to cool off the heat

As a leguminous crop with high nutritional value and economic value, mung bean was originally produced in Southeast Asia, and then introduced to my country.

As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, mung bean has been planted, and Qu Yuan’s “Li Sao” records—-“The scorpion is rich in the house, and it is sentenced to be independent and refuse to accept.”< /strong> At that time, it was already indicated that the Chu State had already started to widely cultivate mung beans.

And Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty, known as the “King of Medicine”, also recorded —– mung bean has “to treat cold and heat, heat, stop diarrhea, and relieve urination fullness” efficacy.

Because mung bean is not only rich in polyphenol antioxidants, but also high in potassium and B vitamins.

Especially in the hot summer, everyone tends to sweat profusely and have little appetite, and mung bean soup can not only relieve the heat, but also provide rich antioxidants and B vitamins, which can supplement the sweat caused by sweating. Lost minerals.

Mung beans are green, why are they red when I cook them?

The reason why mung bean soup has a good effect of relieving heat and drowsiness is that its main active ingredients are all present in mung bean skin, such as flavonoids, saponins, coumarin< /strong>Wait.

Flavonoids can easily interact with iron ions to form dark complexes. Therefore, using an iron pot may dissolve a small amount of iron ions, causing the mung bean soup to change color.

At the same time, mung bean soup is rich in polyphenols. When the pH is alkaline, or when it encounters oxygen and metal ions, the polyphenols will oxidize and polymerize. Wait for the reaction, so the boiled mung bean soup will appear red.

Although mung bean soup relieves the heat, it is not suitable for everyone

As an excellent summer drink, mung bean can indeed play a role in relieving the heat and cooling down. Although mung bean soup is good, if you drink it improperly, it may hurt your body.

Especially for these two types of people, it is not recommended to drink mung bean soup.

First, people with a cold constitution

In summer, you can drink some mung bean soup to prevent heat stroke, and mung beans can also effectively deal with heat and swelling and pox issues.

But if you have a cold constitution, mung bean soup is not suitable. People with cold constitution usually feel sore back and cold legs, lack of energy in the whole body, and frequent diarrhea.

If this type of people drink too much mung bean soup, it will aggravate the disease, and even cause stagnation of qi and blood and joint pain.

Secondly, people with weak stomach

mung beans are rich in protein. After this substance enters the human body, it needs to go through the action of enzymes. It is decomposed into small molecular peptides, which can be used by the human body.

If the constitution itself is relatively weak, its gastrointestinal digestive function is relatively poor. At this time, indigestion is likely to occur, and severe diarrhea can also lead to dehydration.

Drinking mung bean soup, it is recommended to pay attention to these details

< p>1. Drink less iced mung bean soup

Many people like to put it in the refrigerator first when drinking mung bean soup, which seems to make it easier to drink thirst-quenching sweetness.

But I don’t know that after drinking the iced mung bean soup, it is very likely to have a negative impact on the spleen and stomach, which will lead to the symptoms of spleen and stomach imbalance and diarrhea.

Especially for some middle-aged and elderly people with cardiovascular disease, iced mung bean soup may also cause acute symptoms such as myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.

2. Drink mung bean soup less on an empty stomach

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, mung bean soup is a cold food.

If you drink mung bean soup directly in a hungry state, it is easy to seriously damage the spleen and stomach, resulting in a series of gastrointestinal discomfort.

3. You can’t drink mung bean soup every day

Mung bean soup is indeed an important choice for summer health, but it doesn’t mean that you drink mung bean every day Soup is good.

For healthy adults, you can drink mung bean soup 2-3 times a week, and do not exceed one bowl each time. If you drink too much mung bean soup, it may cause stomach pain, Gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea.