Can benign thyroid nodules become cancerous?

Is April the peak season for annual medical examinations? Recently, there are a lot of people in the background asking about the abnormality of the medical examination report. Several friends have asked about thyroid nodules. Everyone is concerned about whether it will be cancerous or not, and they are scared to death. Exactly, Duma also has thyroid nodules. Today, let’s talk about this knowledge point with “patients”. How many people get thyroid nodules? The thyroid gland in our body grows in the middle of the neck. It is usually invisible and inconspicuous, but it plays an important role in our body. The thyroid is an endocrine organ that maintains body temperature, protein synthesis, and fat decomposition, all of which are the basic processes that ensure life. Like other organs, the thyroid can get sick. Thyroid nodules are one of the most common thyroid abnormalities. Thyroid nodules refer to the abnormal proliferation of cell mass in the thyroid. There is 1. How to judge my knotsIs it benign or malignant? Malignant nodules account for only 7% to 15% of thyroid nodules, and most nodules are benign, mostly caused by thyroid tissue hyperplasia and degenerative changes. No special treatment is required. If a thyroid nodule is a malignant tumor, it tends to be malignant at the beginning. B-ultrasound can determine the nature of most thyroid nodules. For example, after examination, the nodules are found to be hypoechoic, ill-defined, irregular in shape, strong echogenic points inside, aspect ratio>1, rich peripheral blood flow signal, neck swollen lymph nodes etc. Generally, there are 3 or more malignant signs, and the probability of the nodule being malignant is relatively high. Even if the diameter of the nodule is small, the diagnosis can be confirmed by puncture examination. Key points:1. If benign thyroid nodules are found, B-ultrasound should be reviewed every 6 to 12 months2. If the nodule volume increases by more than 50%, needle biopsy is recommended.3. Confirm that it is a malignant nodule, operate as soon as possible, and insist on taking medicine after surgeryCan benign thyroid nodules become cancerous? Benign nodules can also become cancerous and cannot be left alone. For example, thyroid adenoma is a common benign tumor, which can be divided into follicular adenoma and papillary adenoma. The latter has a 10% canceration rate, and as the diameter increases, the probability of adenoma canceration also increases. . I don’t feel pain, so I don’t have cancer? Cancer has nothing to do with pain, and another is that the size of the nodule has nothing to do with cancer. It doesn’t mean that mine is too small, so I don’t need it if it’s only 8mm. Don’t worry, if it’s in a bad shape, the doctor judges that it may be necessary to perform a puncture, and don’t treat it because it’s small, and don’t treat it because it doesn’t hurt. What should I do?For some special groups, such as :

  • male
  • history of radiation exposure or treatment< /li>
  • Have a family history of thyroid cancer
  • Age younger than 20 or older than 70
  • Nodules enlarge in a short period of time or show compression symptoms

These people have a higher risk of malignant transformation of nodules, and need to regularly review color Doppler ultrasound and thyroid function as prescribed by a doctor. Regular review and observation can check whether the size and nature of the nodules have changed, so as to achieve early diagnosis and early treatment.The 5-year survival rate of most thyroid cancer patients after treatment is 97%. This means that with thyroid cancer, 97 out of 100 people will survive after 5 years, and early detection is better for later treatment.How can the average person prevent thyroid nodules? strong>1. Maintain a balanced diet, do not eat a lot of foods rich in iodine for a long time, and do not blindly limit iodine or even avoid iodine.2. As far as possible from the radiation environment , and wear a lead mask to protect thyroid tissue when taking dental and chest X-rays.3. Exercise habits to avoid overweight and obesity. 4. Avoid smoking and stay away from second-hand smoke. —End—Welcome to leave a message to discussdon’t forget the end of the article[ClickLike] and [Watching]Oh~ span>