Zixi Taibo Primary School focuses on cultivating healthy eating habits for students (photo)

Dajiang.com/Fuzhou Toutiao Client News Correspondents Chen Jiamin and Yang Luoyao reported: In order to promote the balanced development of students’ nutrition, further promote the special activities of reasonable diet and student nutrition improvement, advocate nutritious and healthy living habits, and popularize youth Nutrition knowledge, recently, Zixi County Taibo Primary School and Zixi County Center for Disease Control have organized a series of activities for the National Nutrition Week around the theme of “Knowing Nutrition Society Exercise to Prevent Obesity and Promote Health”.

Popularize nutrition knowledge (Chen Jiamin/Photo provided)

The school uses speeches under the national flag, LED screen display, and nutrition knowledge publicity Publicize the knowledge of nutrition and health in the form of single and other forms, so that students can master scientific nutrition knowledge and develop healthy eating habits. Focusing on the theme of “Knowing food is power”, a theme class meeting was organized to publicize the knowledge of reasonable meal matching and the harm of eating “junk food” to students, guide students to choose healthy food, and develop good living habits. Carry out the “Home Nutrition Show” exhibition, push the “Nutrition and Health Class-Parents Edition” to parents of each class through the parent group, guide parents to scientifically and reasonably arrange meals, and supervise and remind children of their daily diet. Lecturers from the County Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted publicity on healthy eating for teenagers. While educating students “three reductions and three health”, it also guides children how to choose healthy food and develop good living habits.

Distribution of leaflets (photo by Chen Jiamin)

This nutrition week publicity activity enables parents and students to further understand reasonable diet and food The importance of safety, fully recognize the harm of nutritional imbalance and snacking, gradually establish scientific dietary hygiene habits, not picky eaters, not partial eclipse, cultivate students’ civilized and healthy lifestyle, change bad eating habits, eliminate snacks, and grow up healthily.

Theme class meeting (photo by Chen Jiamin)