Zhongshan Port distributes intelligent blood pressure measurement packages for free, and the blood pressure measurement data at home can be automatically uploaded


Southern Metropolis News reporter Hou Yuxiao On the afternoon of March 9, the launching ceremony of the 2022 Internet + Chronic Disease Management (Hypertension) Project in Ganggang Town, Zhongshan City was held. The first batch of more than 40 hypertensive patients were given free intelligent blood pressure measurement service packages. , using Internet technology to provide residents with smart medical services.

Zhongshan Ganggang Town launched the Internet + Chronic Disease Management (Hypertension) project.

It is reported that Ganggang Town has listed improving the level of medical services as one of the top ten livelihood facts in Ganggang Town in 2022. The Internet + chronic disease management (hypertension) project carried out by Ganggang Town is one of the contents to improve the level of medical services.

The project plans to distribute a set of intelligent blood pressure measurement service package to 450 hypertensive patients for free this year. Patients can measure their blood pressure at home, and the measured blood pressure parameters will be automatically uploaded to the intelligent blood pressure measurement The terminal APP platform connected with the instrument, the platform performs big data processing on the blood pressure parameters of each patient, and then feeds back the analysis results to the community health service center, and the medical staff of the community health service center take necessary preventive measures according to the analysis results.

The project plans to distribute a set of intelligent blood pressure measurement service package to 450 hypertensive patients for free this year.

According to reports, by carrying out the network + chronic disease management (hypertension) project, on the one hand, it can enhance the self-management compliance of hypertensive patients and the ability to manage their own diseases, and improve the awareness of hypertension knowledge among the intervention population. rate, blood pressure control rate. On the other hand, by monitoring the changes in blood pressure and heart rate of patients in real time, timely intervention for emergency special cases can be performed to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. After the project is launched, Ganggang Town will gradually expand the range of users according to the actual application effect, promote the standardized management of hypertensive patients, and curb the harm of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

It is understood that Ganggang Town will also carry out medical informatization construction this year, providing citizens with intelligent services such as online payment, appointment for medical treatment, and remote consultation, while improving the “1+9” community health service center ( Station) service system, expand service coverage by relocating and upgrading community health service stations, hiring famous doctors and experts for consultation, etc., improve the medical environment for patients, and improve the level of grass-roots medical services.

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