Zhenping County Maternal and Child Health Hospital launched the “March 8th” women’s health knowledge tour

Yingxiang News (Elephant News reporter Zhang Dingyou correspondent Wang Wei Wang Yuqiang)To celebrate the 112th International Women’s Day, create a happy, relaxed and healthy Festive atmosphere, caring for women’s health, publicizing relevant women’s health knowledge to the majority of women, and raising awareness of big health care. In the past few days, Ding Guangqin, director of Zhenping County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and Liu Tianxu, vice president, led a team of experts to the county tax bureau and the county commission for discipline inspection. The committee, county-level kindergarten, Shifo Temple Tianxia Yuyuan Community and other units and communities carried out the “March 8th” women’s health knowledge tour.

This tour was taught by Ding Guangqin himself. In the lecture, Ding Guangqin first started from the physiological structure of women to let everyone understand themselves, and then through clinical cases, he paid attention to common gynecological diseases, cervical cancer, breast cancer prevention, puberty, perimenopause, infertility, etc. The health problems are explained in simple terms, and preventive and treatment measures are proposed. At the end of each lecture, everyone gathered around Ding Guangqin and Liu Tianxu to ask many questions, and the two senior experts patiently answered them one by one. Everyone said that the tour not only gave them an in-depth understanding of women’s health knowledge, but also learned how to take care of themselves better.

Through this tour, Ding Guangqin, the director of the hospital, said that as a maternal and child health service personnel, it is an inescapable responsibility to protect the health of women and children in the county, and at the same time to continuously improve the county’s maternal and child health services This year, the hospital will carry out a public welfare tour of the “Mother and Children’s Health Knowledge Lecture Hall” in the county to spread health knowledge to millions of households and benefit women and children in Yuxiang. .