Zhang Wuben, the first person in Chinese diet therapy: claiming that eggplant is anti-cancer and cures all diseases, but he was hospitalized with a cerebral infarction

“Eat the diseases you eat back!”

Zhang Wuben, a well-known health master, is known as “the first person in Chinese diet therapy”. His book “Eat the Diseases You Eat Back”, It is said to have sold 1 million copies in just 4 months of listing.

What’s even more amazing is that in the book he listed many magical foods, eggplant, white radish, mung bean… These foods are better than panacea, Zhang Wuben claims to use these foods to cure Many diseases such as pneumonia, heart disease, and even lung cancer have been cured, and they are almost a cure-all.

Zhang Wuben has also been on the TV station to promote his concept of health preservation. In 2010, the program “Zhang Wuben talks about health preservation” on Hunan Satellite TV became popular. However, because of his controversial remarks, he gradually faded out of the public eye. Unfortunately, in 2014, a sudden cerebral infarction caused another wave. Zhang Wuben completely disappeared from the public in order to recover from his illness.

To this day, there are still many people who believe in Master Zhang’s statement.

I. Can eggplant really fight cancer and cure all diseases?

It is reported on the Internet that eggplant has anti-cancer properties. It is said that some people have tried to extract a non-toxic substance from eggplant, which has achieved good benefits in the treatment of gastric cancer and cervical cancer. In addition, eggplant contains solanine and cucurbitacin, which have been proven to have anti-cancer properties. Isn’t eggplant just an ordinary vegetable, is it really so versatile?

No food can fight cancer!

Zhang Jian of the Rocket Army Special Medical Center said that some foods do contain some anti-cancer ingredients, but it is unrealistic to simply eat this kind of food to fight cancer! It is very likely that due to the single food, the nutrition is not balanced, which is not good for health.

Eating food indiscriminately also cannot cure diseases. In the Catalogue of Substances That Are Both Foods and Chinese Herbal Medicines According to Tradition formulated by the Ministry of Health, eggplant , mung bean and radish are not among them, it can be seen that eggplant can not be used as a substitute for medicine.

It should be noted that eating too much eggplant is also harmful! Eggplant contains solanine and other harmful compounds. Excessive consumption may cause poisoning, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergies and other symptoms, and even shock,

Second, what are the benefits of eating eggplant?

1. Supplemental nutrients

Eggplant is rich in nutrients, in addition to the basic protein, fat, vitamins and Trace elements calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients; eggplant also contains high vitamin P, which can enhance the adhesion of human cells and help capillaries maintain elasticity.

2. Helps control weight

The dietary fiber contained in eggplant is indeed beneficial for food-borne obesity, diabetes, etc. certain benefits. Dietary fiber has no calories, and can absorb water in the gastrointestinal tract to increase its volume, making people feel more full, slowing down the speed of gastric emptying, thereby reducing the desire to eat, thus playing a role in weight control .

Third, Don’t make two mistakes when eating eggplants

Some people like to peel eggplants, Some people must add minced garlic and chili oil to eat eggplant… These eating methods are likely to affect the body’s absorption of nutrients.

1. Deliberate peeling, loss of nutrients

Many people always like to remove the skin due to taste problems. From a nutritional point of view , The nutritional value of eggplant with skin will be relatively higher, so when eating eggplant, it can be eaten with the skin on.

2. The eggplant is too oily, and the heat explodes on the table

Many people’s favorite fish-flavored eggplant pot, Thai-style eggplant, oil-braised eggplant, and meat-roasted eggplant And fried eggplant boxes and other ways to eat. These cooking methods are indeed very delicious, but they are not healthy. Eggplant itself is easier to absorb oil, and the way of frying and stewing will increase the calories, which may make people fatter the more they eat.

Four. Last reminder: eggplant is not suitable for everyone

1. Allergic people

There are very few people who have allergies or adverse reactions to eggplant. When they feel uncomfortable after eating eggplant, it means that their constitution is allergic to a certain substance in eggplant. Then don’t eat it.

2. Special populations

Purple eggplant skin contains a powerful antioxidant – eggplant anthocyanin, which easily hinders the body’s ability to deal with iron. Absorption and utilization of trace elements. Therefore, for people with indigestion, anemia and zinc deficiency, or pregnant women, you should pay attention to the quantity of eggplants with the skin on. The frequency of two or three times a week does not have much impact. Consider removing the skin before serving.

Although eggplant contains many nutrients, its cancer-fighting properties have not been proven. If you only want to rely on eating eggplant to achieve anti-cancer, there is noIt is suspected that it is “Arabian Nights”. If you want to fight cancer, you should adhere to a scientific diet, live a regular life, avoid carcinogenic factors, and develop a good attitude, etc., in order to achieve effective anti-cancer.


[1] Zhang Jian. Can you prevent cancer by eating anticancer food? [J]. Wanqing, 2021(03):73.

[2] Who should not eat more eggplant antioxidants? .Yunnan Senior News.2022-03-09