Zhang Wenhong: The most effective drug or immunity! Eat 6 more things during the war epidemic, or you can fight the virus

It has been two years since the outbreak of the new coronavirus, and so far it has not been completely eliminated. The epidemic situation in some areas is still relatively serious. Several high-frequency words will appear in the epidemic – protection, effective isolation, and immunity.

When it comes to immunity, it must be said that immunity is the first line of defense for human health and the best doctor in the world. Professor Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the University Affiliated Hospital, once said: “The most effective drug against the epidemic is to improve human immunity.”

< span>Why are more and more viruses facing the new crown infection, but some people are safe? This is actually closely related to the immune system in the body.


First of all, what is immunity?

We all know that immunity is very important to human health. Strengthening immunity can effectively resist external viruses and bacteria, but What exactly is immunity? Probably most people don’t know.

Immunity is like a “physiological” function of the human body. Simply relying on immunity, it can identify “oneself” and “enemies” from the outside world. “.

To give a simple example, immunity is like the defense team of the human body. Whether it is an external virus invasion or some internal problems, the defense team will Immediately lead the team to appear to destroy the internal environment and external information, play the role of devouring and destroying, and maintain the healthy development of the body.

When external viruses and bacteria enter the human body, they will produce some antigenic substances, or when the body’s own damaged cells and tumor cells appear, Immunity will be dispatched quickly to remove harmful cells and reduce the accumulation of toxins.


The immune system can divide For the following three layers:

1. The skin is the first line of defense of the immune system.

2. The mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and digestive system are the second line of defense of the immune system.

3, immune cells and beneficial organs as the third line of defense of the immune system, including Bone marrow, spleen and stomach, appendix, tonsil, thymus, lymphocytes, macrophages, mitocytes.

The new coronavirus and the human body’s immunity are equivalent to deadly viruses. In order to invade the body and cause bacterial infection, it is necessary to break through this virus in the human body. Three lines of defense.


Coronavirus , Why do some people get infected while others are safe?

From the perspective of medical immunity, different people’s physical fitness and immune function are different, whether it is a high-risk infection group or an infected person People with strong immune system have an advantage.

1. Nutritional supply

Diet nutrition has a lot of influence on immunity. Boston immunologists once said that the main reason for immune decline may be malnutrition in the body. After the substances secreted by fat cells enter the blood, they will pass through the brain. Sends energy storage signals to the brain.

IfThe nutritional imbalance or the concentration of malnutrition in the body will gradually reduce the size of the brain and the center, unable to transmit the signals of the immune system, resulting in the blockage of the immune system.

2. Long-term smoking

During the epidemic, some people said that smoking can effectively prevent the infection of the new coronavirus. In fact, this idea is completely wrong. There are carcinogens and harmful substances in cigarettes.

The activity of immune cells in people who smoke for a long time is destroyed, and to a certain extent, their physical fitness and immune function are relatively low.

Non-smokers are about 5 times less likely to contract the new coronavirus than those who smoke. I hope everyone should quit smoking as soon as possible to help prevent the new coronavirus.

3. Age factor

Affected by age, the immune system of the human body is closely related. As the age increases, the immune system of the body will gradually degenerate. The immune system is the weakest at the age of 3 to 6 months after birth, and reaches its peak at the age of 25 as it grows.

After the age of 30, various skills and immunity begin to decline. The immune function of middle-aged and elderly people at the age of 65 gradually declines, and the physical function is even worse. .

4. Sleep factor

sleep Not only will it affect a person’s mental state, but it will also have a serious impact on immunity. According to medical data, people who sleep less than 5 hours a day are more likely to be infected by the new coronavirus, which is 7-8 more than sleep time. People who are 80% more likely to be infected.


Zhang Wenhong: the most Effective medicine or immunity! Eating 6 more things during the war may fight the virus

1, eggs

Eggs, as a must-have ingredient on the table, are rich in nutrients of the egg road with high nutritional value and are easily absorbed and digested by the stomach, especially high-quality protein and amino acid substances.

However, eggs cannot be ingested blindly. It is recommended that you eat 1~2 boiled eggs a day, eggs, and various cooking methods, such as Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, etc. These eggs contain a lot of oil and fat, which is not conducive to long-term consumption of fried eggs.

On the other hand, eggs themselves have a lot of nutritional value. We must increase the intake of eggs and keep one egg every morning. It also helps to enhance immunity and resistance, prevent chronic diseases, and effectively fight against viruses.

2. Fish

< span>Fish meat is low in calories, rich in high-quality protein, and has a rich taste. It is loved by many people who lose weight. Eating some fish meat properly can supplement the energy and nutritional needs of the body.

Especially the phosphorus in fish can effectively stimulate brain development. Parents and friends can make fish soup to supplement nutrients for children. , it can be quickly absorbed and digested by the stomach in the future, reducing the digestive burden on the stomach and enhancing the effect of the nipple.

If economic conditions permit or if there is enough time, prepare a crucian carp tofu soup or steamed fish soup for the family every day, which is light in taste and high in nutritional value. Good health effect.

3. Milk

< span>With the improvement of material living standards, milk, as a must-have drink on the table, can supplement the body with very rich calcium, iron, zinc and other nutrients.

Professor Zhang Wenhong suggested that everyone drink more milk in daily life, mainly because the immunoglobulin in milk enhances the activity of human immune cells and strengthens the immune response mechanism. Effective against external viruses and bacteria.

However, some people feel that the milk is relatively cold, and they choose to heat the milk and drink the milk when it is boiling hot, which will destroy the protein components and minerals in it. Material elements can also cause damage to the gastric mucosa and esophageal mucosa, which is not recommended.

Milk can be heated, but it can be cut in a warm state. It is not necessary to heat it to a boiling state to avoid nutrients and gradually lose health benefits. destroy.

4. Meat

< span>Meat is a common food with rich nutritional value in daily life. It can improve muscle, protein and physical strength. If you eat meat often, it will also lead to obesity, but long-term lack of meat will cause immune function and malnutrition.

Excessive dieting and weight loss will reduce the immune function of the human body, especially after starvation, the body will become weaker, which will undoubtedly provide opportunities for viruses and bacteria. This situation It is not recommended that you lose weight blindly. You should focus on health and eat some meat properly.

If you want to stay in shape, you can choose steamed or boiled meat, try to eat less sweet and sour and processed meat, reduce Condiments and the intake of sugar and salt are more helpful to improve human immunity and maintain healthy development of the body.

5. Mushroom food

It is good to eat more mushrooms. It is good to supplement the body with vitamin D and vitamin B to strengthen its own immunity. It can inhibit epithelial cell tumors and prevent blood lipids and blood pressure from rising.

And there is a special health-care ingredient “mushroom polysaccharide” in the mushroom, which brings anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects to the human body and effectively inhibits the growth of tumors in the body And the food of mushrooms in the diffusion clinical medicine can improve the immunity and resistance of cancer patients, and play an anti-cancer effect.

You may wish to eat more mushrooms in your daily life to activate the activity of autoimmune cells and improve immunity and resistance. Eating more mushrooms during the epidemic will help distribute beneficial ingredients and prevent the new coronavirus from coming to your door.

6. Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the foods that are often talked about. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutritional value, especially green leafy vegetables are rich in anthocyanins and a variety of vitamins, which can effectively remove free radicals and melanin in the body. Reduce harmful substances and damage the immune system.

Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, which help the body improve its metabolic system and blood circulation, make the body stronger and stronger, and effectively fight against the epidemic.

#Aile Health Guide#