Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital’s “The Most Beautiful Half of the Sky, Happy Women’s Day” health lecture was held as scheduled

Zhang Zun, correspondent of·poster, correspondent Zhang Xingwen, reported from Zaozhuang

In order to give back to the majority of female friends for their care and support for the development of the hospital, fully demonstrate the hospital’s technology, humanities, Environment and other achievements to create a festive atmosphere. On the afternoon of March 8, Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital’s Department of Gynecology and Xuecheng District Family Planning Association held a health lecture activity of “the most beautiful half of the sky, happy women’s day” at the maternity school on the second floor of the outpatient clinic in the new hospital district. Pang Bin, Vice President of Xuecheng Family Planning Association, and Zhao Xiaobing, Vice President of Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital attended the event and delivered speeches. More than 40 members of Family Planning Association attended the lecture.

In the lecture, Duan Jing, the deputy chief physician of the first department of gynecology, and Wu Shouyan and Cui Lin, the attending physicians, gave a lecture on “Abnormal Uterus”. He gave special lectures on “Bleeding”, “Uterine Fibroids”, “Atypical Endometrial Hyperplasia”, etc. They talked about women’s health in a simple way around the concept and understanding of women’s health, symptoms and prevention of women’s gynecological diseases, and modern auxiliary screening methods. The importance of women’s physical health. Finally, the experts reminded everyone to pay more attention to their own health, conduct annual physical examinations, find problems and treat them in time, and establish a health concept of prevention first and treatment as a supplement. During the event, there will be prize-winning lottery activities to activate the atmosphere of the lectures and deepen the health awareness of female compatriots.

Through this lecture, it enriches the female group’s knowledge of female physiology and gynecological diseases. , enhance the awareness of disease prevention, spread the concept of health, and promote the formation of healthy and civilized living habits.