Yuanmou: People’s Heart Project Warms Hearts Free “Two Cancers” Screening Cares for Women’s Health


Yuanmou County has carried out in-depth “caring for women’s health and companionship” free “two cancers” screening activities to increase the attention of the majority of women to two cancer screenings, so as to achieve cervical cancer and breast cancer screening. Early diagnosis and early treatment of cancer can keep women away from the harm of “two cancers” and enhance their self-protection awareness and health level.

During the activity, women participating in the “two cancers” screening were guided by the medical staff of Yuanmou County Maternal and Child Health Hospital The medical staff carefully conducted cervical cancer screening, breast cancer screening, routine gynecological examinations, etc. for women, patiently answered various questions, explained women’s health knowledge in detail, and established health for them. Archives, strengthen the women who participated in the examination on the knowledge of “two cancers” and the prevention and treatment of common gynecological diseases. Si Xianfeng, one of the people who participated in the inspection, said happily: “Thanks to the party and the government for their concern for us and for this free cervical and breast cancer screening. I think this screening is still very necessary, and it can help us detect and treat early. , it will cost hundreds of dollars to do it yourself, and now it is done for us for free, the country and the government are really getting better and better for us women.”

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Through this “two cancers” screening activity, a total of 70 rural women in the county were provided free cervical cancer and breast cancer screening, improving the early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer and breast cancer rate, reducing treatment costs and patient mortality, and reducing the proportion of rural households returning to poverty due to illness.

Source/Yuanmou Rong Media Zhong Xiandan

©Yuanmou Rong Media Center

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