Yu Tiancheng of Shanghai Pharmaceuticals was notified of “unqualified” disposable medical surgical masks

China Net Finance July 25 (Reporter Du Ding) A few days ago, an administrative penalty information released by the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation showed that Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Yu Tiancheng (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Class II medical devices are notified.

The notice shows that on July 13, 2021, Shanghai Songjiang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau received the April 2021 On the 21st, the medical surgical masks produced by Zhejiang Lanhe Medical Products Co., Ltd. and the disposable medical surgical masks produced by Yangzhou Zhengyu Medical Devices Co., Ltd., which are operated by Shanghai Pharmaceutical Yu Tiancheng (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Nonconforming report.

On February 11, 2022, Shanghai Songjiang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau filed an investigation against Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Yu Tiancheng (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. in accordance with the law.

After investigation, Shanghai Pharmaceutical Yu Tiancheng (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has the following illegal facts: the medical surgical mask (batch number: A20201028, specification model: 175mm*95mm L type) operated by this company is Zhejiang Lanhe Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Pharmaceutical Yu Tiancheng (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. purchased from the supplier Shanghai Lei Mei Trading Co., Ltd. on January 26, 2021, with a total of 450 bags (one bag of ten), which will be released in 2021. From March 22 to April 27, 2021, the products will be sold in 9 pharmacies including Shanghai Yutian Chengdong Hua Pharmacy and Hongxiang Pharmacy, with a total of 350 bags. As of now, all the above batches of products remaining in each pharmacy have been sold. The number of recalled, a total of 22.8 bags (228), the rest have been sold, the remaining 100 bags of the company’s inventory, 9 bags were sampled by the Shanghai Songjiang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, and the remaining 91 bags were returned to the agent Shanghai Leimei Trading Co., Ltd., of which the sales A total of 290 bags were sold to directly-operated pharmacies, and the sales price was 15.68 yuan/bag. A total of 60 bags were sold to non-directly-operated pharmacies, and the sales price was 14.7 yuan/bag. The remaining 100 bags that were not sold were calculated at the lowest price, and the total value of the goods (60 +100)*14.7+290*15.68=6899.2 yuan.

In addition, the manufacturer of disposable medical surgical masks (batch number: 20201228, specification and model: ear-hook type M) operated by Shanghai Pharmaceutical Yu Tiancheng (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is Yangzhou Zhengyu Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., the company successively purchased from the supplier Shanghai Lei Mei Trading Co., Ltd. from January 26, 2021 to April 12, 2021, with a total quantity of 23,700 bags (one bag of ten), on February 1, 2021 Sales to Shanghai Jingda Environmental Sanitation Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Songjiang Public Transportation Co., Ltd., Shanghai Songjiang District Beiganshan Primary School, Shanghai Songjiang Tram Investment Operation Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Pharmaceutical Yu Tiancheng ( Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Trade Union Committee, and successively sold them to 22 pharmacies including Shanghai Yutian Chengdonghua Pharmacy, Liren Pharmacy, etc., with a total of 23,700 bags. Up to now, the remaining batches of the above-mentioned products in each pharmacy have been recalled. The quantity A total of 17 bags (170 pieces), the rest have been sold, the total value of the goods is 19650*12+2790*9.27+980*10.08+280*9.45=274187.7 yuan. To sum up, the total value of the two batches of products operated by the company is 281,086.9 yuan.

According to relevant laws and regulations, Shanghai Songjiang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau decided not to impose punishment on Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Yu Tiancheng (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., but confiscated unqualified medical surgical masks in accordance with the law.

Tianyancha shows that Shanghai Pharma Yu Tiancheng (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Shanghai Yu Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), established in 1985, is a member of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group and Shanghai Pharmaceutical Holdings Co., Ltd. Holding 51% of the shares, it is an enterprise mainly engaged in the wholesale industry.

[Source: China Net Finance]

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