Your “Lunch Break” Concept Needs an Update: Closing Your Eyes Fixes Your Brain

This article is transferred from: Life Times

“If you don’t sleep at noon, you will collapse in the afternoon”. A lunch break can not only relax the body, but also repair the nerves of the brain, improve strain and memory.

If you don’t have time to take a nap, or you can’t fall asleep for various reasons, you can close your eyes quietly and soberly, and you can get enough rest. Effect.

Life Times(Search “LT0385” in WeChat to follow) to interview experts to tell you how closing your eyes and resting your mind works, and how “mind resting” works to the end what is.

Experts interviewed

Liu Dequan, Chief Physician, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Geriatric Hospital

Shi Ming, Deputy Director of Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Insomnia Medical Collaboration Center

Xia Gongxu, Deputy Chief Physician of the Treatment Center of Nanjing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital

Closing his eyes and resting, his brain waves are the same as falling asleep

A nap does not mean a nap , so you don’t need to have psychological pressure when you can’t sleep, just closing your eyes and resting your mind can completely relax your body and brain.

Close your eyes and rest your mind, is to experience the state of “quiet and sober”, and the state of “thinking about nothing” can be completely eliminated sleep anxiety.

Closing your eyes and mind rests your brain cells, muscles and organs throughout your body, relieves stress, improves your mood, and increases your alertness and creativity.

Most people can’t control when they fall asleep, but they can control when they rest and give their thoughts “white space,” said Dr. Christopher Winter, an American sleep expert.

The brain waves are completely different when you are awake and when you are asleep.

beta waves are emitted when awake, and alpha waves and theta waves are emitted during sleep, Delta waves are emitted during deep sleep. In closed eyes and restful state, the brain emits more alpha waves and theta waves.

This means that when you close your eyes and rest your mind, the brainwave performance is basically the same as during sleep, and the brain gives itself a “holiday”. At this time, the brain is like a mobile phone with a black screen in standby. Although it is not turned off, it can reduce power consumption and get a certain rest.

Whether “noon break” or “nap nap”, closing your eyes and resting for 20~30 minutes can help repair brain nerves, improve strain and memory, and promote tear secretion, effectively “nourishing” eyes.

Five points of the ancients’ “restoration”

As the saying goes, “medicine tonic is not as good as food tonic, and food tonic is not as good as divine tonic”, resting the mind is the highest state of health preservation.

What do Chinese people say about “raising the mind”?

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is opened in the eyes, and the essence and qi of the human body’s internal organs are all directed to the eyes, so the eyes are the most “expressive” place for people, and closing the eyes can “refresh the mind”. “.

83% of the information humans acquire comes from vision. The eyes receive a lot of information every day and send it to the central nervous system for processing by the brain. When the eyes are closed, the intake of visual information is reduced, which reduces the analytical burden on the brain.


Exclude distracting thoughts

Ancient people often closed their eyes and rested their minds as a way of self-cultivation.

In the “Huangdi Neijing”, it is recorded: “Keep the spirit inside, and keep the disease safe”, that is, by closing the eyes and resting the mind, eliminating distracting thoughts, concentrating energy, and having no thoughts and worries, until you enter tranquility, you can achieve health preservation and soothe the nerves. effect.


Feel the breath

For mental workers, the busier the The more you need to close your eyes and rest.

Sit down, close your eyes gently, and think about nothing in your mind; focus completely on your own breathing, and cooperate with abdominal breathing in which the exhalation is longer than the inhalation, until the whole body is relaxed until.


Meditate after a meal

After a meal is a good time to meditate and close your eyes . Sitting quietly with eyes closed for 10 minutes to half an hour after a meal not only helps to recuperate, but also helps blood flow to the liver more, which is beneficial to protect the liver.

Close your eyes and meditate at any time. You can take a 3-5 minute break with your eyes closed when you see a needle in your work or life.


Let it go

Relax, relax, and go with the flow when you close your eyes nature. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this state of “innocence and emptiness” can make the body’s meridians clear, qi and blood flow smoothly, and the body is healthier.

Nap break tips for everyone

You can skip a nap, but be sure to give your brain a nap. People who don’t sleep well at night and those who have more mental activity during the day are the key groups who need a lunch break.

Before Lunch Break


Have a cup of coffee before your lunch break and feel better in the afternoon . Caffeine takes about 10 minutes to work, so after a 20-minute nap, a person is more awake.


around 13:00


Dr. Rafael Pireyo, a professor at the Sleep Medicine Center of Stanford University School of Medicine in the United States, found that the body temperature is relatively lower between “1 pm and 4 pm”, which makes it easier to fall asleep.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a saying of “midnight sleep”, “noon” refers to 11:00 noon to 1:00 pm, and it is best to take a nap during this time.

Taking a lunch break at the same time every day helps to integrate it into your biological rhythm and helps your body transition.


10~30 minutes

A German study found that squeezing for 6 minutes can improve memory, convert short-term memory into long-term memory, and then free up more “” “Space” to contain new knowledge.

A “quick-charging” nap with a 10-15 minute lunch break helps to quickly increase alertness and restore body energy, and it is easier to wake up after a lunch break and get back to work as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, it is possible to enter a deep sleep state for more than half an hour, and it is easy to feel groggy when you wake up at this time.


Nap and chat are OK

Those who don’t have naps, lean on their chairs Squinting on your back for a while will also help, and try to avoid lying on the table for morning breaks.

In addition, taking a walk after a meal, applying a cold towel to your face, and standing and chatting can also help to relax your body and mind, and can be used as an alternative to a lunch break.

In short, it doesn’t matter if you can’t fall asleep during the lunch break. Squinting awake is also a kind of rest. ▲

Editor of this issue: Zhang Jie

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